Example sentences of "what [pron] [vb base] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 if he says a third , write it on the order form , do you see what I mean the order form closing ?
2 But we did n't have to , what I mean the point is that we did n't have to tell , have to tell them , they already knew .
3 and to pursue the options that are are available to us , and that 's what I hope the Treasurer will do , er , and this is all we 're approving at the moment , and that an an and to find out just what the , how the land lies , what the best position is , what interest rates that we might be able to get , and over what period and I I I er support this er er er er this expense bud budget .
4 Well what I know the answer is is to say do n't worry be concerned but do n't worry because worrying does n't do you no good , it does n't do the condition no good and it does n't do everybody else any good either because they just say oh she 's you know what she is , depressed by whatever it is and that 's , as it were , objectively logical but wh wh what seems to me to be the absolutely overwhelming is to say he 's not worried , he 's desperately concerned , he 's more concerned than humans can possibly be but if god is n't worried , what on earth are we burning up our resources worrying about because if he 's not worried concerned yes , but he 's not worried .
5 So that 's R Z , one Z two , that 's two R's together and then , what I calculate the side B , the square root of sixty minus thirty I , eh this about the hardest figure that I can do in complex numbers , the square root of sixteen , minus thirty I .
6 What I want the reader to do is question some of the theories at present circulating in the carp world .
7 ‘ THE most disheartening thing is that I have always had a really strong idea about what I want the group to be and I 'm not very good at relating to people who think that their version of what my group should be is more important than mine , ’ complains Stuart Adamson , singer/guitarist with Big Country .
8 In your case , what I suspect the landlord is saying is that the lease is excluded from the operation of the 1954 Act because there was a Court Order before the grant of the lease .
9 ‘ It 's what I call the devil now , ’ explained Lydia recalling herself to the conversation .
10 The issues we are facing in the present crisis of faith touch on what I call the Square One Principle .
11 The best time for this ‘ homework ’ to be done is in what I call the twilight time at night — that period when he is in bed and drowsy but not yet asleep .
12 During what I call the period of uneasy peace , 1983–84 , Mr Heinz expected all options to be examined and costed in detail .
13 This is what I call the strategy of non-decision , the decision that we will do nothing , that we wo n't harass the child , that we will give the child time to relax and move at his own pace , rather than determining the pace that we feel the child ought to be following .
14 We face what I call the conservationist fallacy in much of our debate between animal welfare people and environmentalists .
15 Yeah , well if that 's alright , only as being that 's the , what I call the end of month , like I 've got to pay all of the bills and they must get it until the next , the end of the month
16 And this is what I think the dream is trying to tell me , a message so clear now you have shown me the way to understand these voices speaking to us from the hinterland , so to speak .
17 What I think the public did not appreciate and I do not think would have appreciated clearly from the consultation leaflet , was quite how big a difference there was between the level of relief afforded by the inner relief roads and the outer relief roads , and in that context , I think that to say that the outer relief roads afford relief of between twenty and thirty percent is a little misleading in two respects .
18 ‘ Well , let me tell you what I think the election 's about , Mark .
19 Thank you Mr Mayor I just wanted t to come in with two fairly quick points er as to why I will not be able to support this amendment , but the first is that the leader of the council has indicated that the efficiency savings erm has got as far as it can go and that , you know , we have been trimming at the margins and there is no more margin left and that leads you to believe that perhaps one should be looking at somewhat more er root and branch type of pruning in the spending that that the labour group want to actually erm deal with , er and the second point I would like to make , and er I thank councillor for giving us a a a a new word tonight obfuscation because that describes exactly what I think the labour group are trying to do by bringing this figure down it removes the embarrassment they would have from having to add on a substantial sum of money f due to the failure to collect the cou er the community charge in previous years and I think that they are trying by by this amendment with some very quick foot work to try and delude the people of this city .
20 What I think the danger is there , from a Conservative political perspective , is that having , having , Liberals having with us if you like , got the principle through , Liberals may then go with the Labour party and say right we 've got the principle through , we 've identified four homes , let's have a refurbishment programme , a bit of airport money here , a bit of slippage there and we 'll get this through and then we 'll tackle the problem of closures and if closures is proving difficult let's ignore it for a year , let's do these four and let's go on .
21 Before some of you scoff at the obscurity of such a subject , let me tell you what the preacher meant ( or rather what I think the preacher meant ) by it .
22 then know what I do the result is what I do I 'm not doing my job they know
23 What you tell the fuzz to get them to leave you alone ?
24 but I tell you what you know the mark two , have you ever displayed a coder and it rings , rings the bell when the intercom rings , rings the bell if the trunk 's designed to ring and all that , you know when you get the , you put a call on hold and it comes back and it goes brr , brr , brr , the bell starts going ding , ding , ding , a right noise and apparently that 's standard in the system I think that was a bit of an oversight to be honest with you
25 So make sure you 're dealing with a company that 's , that 's committed to what you know the market that you 're in , that you 're , you know , that you 're familiar with the people that you 're working with .
26 Can you see it requires more in a static holding , this is building muscle power and you have to do things , and muscle can build it if , it c if you asked that those legs to do that every day they would get better at it , because what the body would then do would be build in more muscle fibre to cope with the job , so can you see it , what you ask the body to do , you 've got to ask it the right amount , not too much or else you damage and you 've got to ask it regularly and gradually increase it if you want to improve the muscle power .
27 What you open the window for it 's cold in here !
28 Write a sentence describing what you think the customer means .
29 Alan J. Lerner used to say that any composer must write for himself — if you try and write what you think the public want , you 'll go mad .
30 The easiest way to resolve this is to write down what you think the job should be — as described above .
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