Example sentences of "her [noun pl] as he [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 She watched him through her fingers as he went down the garden and bent over the hole .
2 She clung to the front of her costume , gritting her teeth as he widened the circle of massage , smoothing the cream over her shoulders and down towards the small of her back .
3 It was Rune who broke the close embrace , lifting his head away , his hands still tender on her shoulders as he scanned her face , his own features harshly set .
4 D'Arcy 's grip tightened round her shoulders as he felt her hot tears against his skin .
5 Penry returned quickly with a warm , dry towel , which he draped round her shoulders as he took her wrist in his .
6 His hands left her shoulders as he breathed a sigh of relief , and his gaze locked with hers as if he could read her soul in its depth .
7 All she later remembered was the strength of his hands on her shoulders as he forced her back against the bark of an apple tree and held her there , imprisoned .
8 She gripped his hand as tightly as she could , feeling a terrific wrench on her shoulders as he tried to haul her in , steadying himself against the door to ensure that he did n't end up suffering the same fate as his companion .
9 He set her down beside the car , his arm firm around her shoulders as he steadied her and opened the door to put her gently inside .
10 His hand slid to her breast and he turned impatiently back to her lips as he felt the surging , swollen arousal .
11 She gasped , his name whispering over her lips as he stirred her senses and brought her temperature soaring to fever-pitch .
12 About to tell him hotly that she would not accept any legacy , Jenna was interrupted sharply , the words dying on her lips as he stood and began to pace about restlessly , hands in his pockets .
13 She followed him with her eyes as he walked with Emmie to the gate , very neat and spruce in the white Terylene shirt and blue shorts she had bought for him at Harrods .
14 She tried to tell him with her eyes as he advanced , hands balled into fists , but he did n't understand .
15 He held her eyes as he said it , making her heart skid inside her , the touch of his gaze suddenly so soft , so caressing , that it suffused her entire body with a glow of sensuous pleasure .
16 She closed her eyes as he reached an exploratory finger to slowly outline the curve of her cheek , her chin , her throat , all the way down to one tight , aching nipple .
17 He smiled a harsh smile and held her eyes as he told her , ‘ You may be able to offer Kirsty a comfortable single-parent home in London , but I can offer her a great deal more than that … ’
18 She closed her eyes as he thrust into her , moving with rhythmic deliberation until everything exploded in her , and she released her breath in one long sigh of physical fulfilment .
19 There was , perhaps , relief , almost elation , in her eyes as he sat down beside her and took her hand .
20 She rubbed sinuously against him as she felt a deep thrill at his arousal , and shut her eyes as he removed the last fragile barrier .
21 But he did reconsider next day , when he saw her watching the passage of the porter from the refectory before noon , and following him with her eyes as he turned in between infirmary and schoolroom , where the two small stony cells were built into the angle of the wall , close to the wicket that led through to the mill and the pond .
22 Dazed , overwhelmed with the need and intensity that had sizzled between them since they first met , Rachel did less than resist ; she actively acquiesced , arching her body against his as he slid on to the bed on top of her , and his hoarsely muttered words were bitter-sweet to her ears as he renewed the kiss , his heart thudding above her as his hands began to stroke and explore her passionately responsive body .
23 At last he released her , setting her back on her feet as he gazed down into her strangely unfocused eyes .
24 In the next instant Travis was rising and she was set back on her feet as he put some distance between them .
25 And , since you asked , she once went for a policeman with her stilettoes as he tried to bundle a black man into a car outside a dance hall on the bottom of the Tottenham Court Road ( derogatory remarks in that department were still more likely to earn a black eye than a black look in The Bar ) .
26 She kicked out of the bikini-bottom that Fernando had succeeded in half tearing from her and struck out for the furthest end of the pool , laughter gripping her and weakening her limbs as he lashed out after her .
27 Swivelling , almost blinded by the plunging edifice of her emotions as he struck at their foundations , she groped towards the door .
28 The iron smell of Danjit 's sweat solidified in her nostrils as he straddled her from behind , one hand wrenching her jaw up , his vibro-blade cherishing the soft skin of her throat .
29 ‘ Oh , God , do n't move like that , ’ he bit out roughly , his hands tightening on her hips as he lowered his head , mouth hungrily seeking hers .
30 Even as she tried to evade him , he was drawing her closer , making the blood sing in her veins as he smiled down at her , the hypnotic blue eyes half shuttered but still as powerful , as he raised a firm hand to the back of her head , guiding her face towards his own , his mouth seeking the trembling softness of hers , hard and demanding as it reached its goal , yet instantly becoming as gentle and manipulative as it had been when he had coaxed the throbbing melody from the borrowed trumpet .
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