Example sentences of "her [noun pl] for the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She wandered through to the kitchen to get her bag , and checked through her notes for the name and address of the Rose Bowl 's usual wholesaler .
2 Study her grammalogues in the shorthand , take a sharp interest in the book-keeping , flex her fingers for the typing , practising over and over .
3 She tells Hello ! of her wishes for the baby : ‘ One is that everything goes well at the birth .
4 Having taken up her post as director of the Photographer 's Gallery , Sue Grayson Ford fills us in on her plans for the gallery 's future .
5 She washed quickly , the water barely lukewarm , but the tepid water helped clear her muzzy head , and she began running through her plans for the day — if she kept herself busy she could avoid the drink .
6 As I told you , I did n't particularly take in her plans for the weekend , you know how one does n't , one just asks to be civil and does n't listen properly to the answer . ’
7 It was typical of his self-absorption that he displayed no curiosity about her sudden haste to return to her apartment or her plans for the evening and weekend .
8 And she would spear a piece of chicken and carry it high in the air towards that great black hole of a mouth and , still talking about her therapy , her plans for the future , his inability to understand her as a woman , his crude , male-orientated sexuality , she would munch , munch , munch …
9 Luke Calder was n't going to get a chance to disrupt all her plans for the future .
10 Now she felt the need to be alone for a while in order to look over her notes and see if they would help her in her plans for the future .
11 BUSINESSWOMAN Louise I'Anson spent one day a week for five weeks attending council-run courses and has emerged feeling even more confident about her plans for the future .
12 We do n't usually get this much hands-on attention from him , but I suspect that Cavell Fielding has something to do with his presence as he 's lending us her talents for the launch of our new look — or sound , I should say .
13 7.00 a.m. : rise from a bed in an open dormitory shared with five or six other girls ; 7.30 : breakfast , followed by bedmaking ; 8.30 : early morning lacrosse practice or running round the lake ; 9.00 : chapel ; 9.20 : three periods of lessons or prep ; 11.20 : break for buns and milk ; 11.40 : two periods of lessons or prep ; 1.00 : lunch ; 1.40 approximately : a house meeting in which each of thirty-six girls had to inform the housemistress of her activities for the afternoon , and other house business was discussed ; 2.00 : lacrosse ( tennis , cricket , running ) or , if the weather was bad , country dancing , or , with luck , a shampoo ; 3.20 : wash and change into non-uniform clothes ; 3.45 : tea ; 4.00 : four periods of lessons or prep ; 6.40 : house prayers ; 7.00 : supper ; 8.00 or 8.30 , depending on age : half an hour to be spent in chitchat with the housemistress in her room ; 8.30 or 9.00 : bathtime followed by bedtime .
14 Walks across the moors she thought , beginning to plan her activities for the week .
15 She 's tried so hard to refuse payment from her aunties for the day 's outing , but has succeeded only in deflecting each one 's departing offer of a clandestine , crumpled tip .
16 Letter of thanks from Mrs Cunning of the music department of Currie High School expressing her thanks for the cheque for £10 sent to be used for the purchase of music .
17 The youth leader conveyed her thanks for the re-covering of the snooker table .
18 She glanced in the mirror and declared I had wrecked her eyes for the rest of the day .
19 This time the chasm yawned in front of her , and she knew that she might close her eyes for the moment , but she was already taking little steps towards the edge .
20 Oh , one houseywife had no knickers , but had improvised her skirt between her legs for the benefit of the television cameras .
21 Charity listened , straining her ears for the sound of someone coming .
22 Cheryl decided that as Angela would be away all afternoon and Mrs. Yatton wanted her shoes for the weekend , she would go into Linby and fetch the shoes and at the same time collect the signalling flags , if Jessica had found them .
23 In this manner , she could get Alisdair out from under her feet for the morning and , when the meat from the present pig ran out , there would be a new one ready for slaughter .
24 Her concerns for the environment have occasionally led her into conflict with government bodies .
25 At her side , introducing her to people , encouraging her to elaborate on some of her ideas for the future , Luke was urbane , expressing only suave approval , and no one could have guessed at the personal contempt he felt for her , not a hint of it — or anything else personal either — allowed to show through his sophisticated public manner .
26 Hence there follows a full description of the origin and staple features of the constituent parts of the traditional farmstead because it is important that the untutored town dweller who is contemplating the purchase and conversion of an old farm building should recognise the different building types , understand the operational influences which shaped the form of each structure , and frame his or her ideas for the conversion so that any permanent evidence of agricultural history which the building provides is not erased .
27 However she never lost control , giving polite but non-committal answers to endless questions about her feelings for the Prince .
28 Here she gives her predictions for the week ahead and answers your letters
29 One of her fears for the future of white water rodeos is that they almost inevitably will become more serious competitions and less friendly .
30 Arriving after a gruelling 13 hour flight , appeared bright and full of energy , almost immediately giving a press conference where she expressed her fears for the future of peace and democracy in her country .
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