Example sentences of "her [noun pl] and [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Robyn glances up from her notes and sweeps the audience with her eyes .
2 What is perhaps of great importance is the fact that she challenged the decision of her employers and won the case against all odds .
3 Humber raised one hand , stiffening her fingers and slicing the air sideways .
4 More naturally one sister would have gritted her teeth and done the job herself .
5 She 'd just have to grit her teeth and survive the evening .
6 Spitting her mouthpiece away she drew the pin with her teeth and lobbed the grenade in their direction .
7 Later , in the privacy of her bedroom she could gnash her teeth and let the anguish flood out .
8 It was me who cut her ropes and killed the men aboard her , and it 's me who has sailed her to a place where you 'll never find her .
9 Most days Jo headed straight for the nearest john and took the hideous contraption off as soon as she was alone , muttering , ‘ If you got it , flaunt it ! ’ as she threw back her shoulders and felt the liberated flesh bounce free .
10 He pulled her to her feet , pushed the towel to her shoulders and placed the drink firmly in her hands .
11 She threw back her shoulders and swallowed the hard , hot lump in her throat .
12 The figures — 204 ( 55% ) for Mrs Thatcher , 152 ( 41% ) for Heseltine and 16 ( 4% ) spoiled papers , thus leaving Mrs Thatcher four votes short of outright victory — devastated her supporters and threw the party into a frenzy of speculation about her future .
13 Fingers entwined in the dark hair of the head still at her breasts , Maria cried out softly , shifting her position instinctively as she felt his hand circle her hip and then slide urgently to the softness at the top of her thighs and accept the invitation implicit in her movement .
14 In sudden abandon she allowed her arms to creep up round his neck , her fingers to sink into the short hair at the back of his head while at the same time parting her lips and welcoming the exciting exploration of his tongue .
15 She rolled her eyes at him , put the glass to her lips and drank the brandy , a small nip .
16 She raised the glass to her lips and knocked the brandy back quickly , feeling it kick at the back of her mouth .
17 A rare , special smell that should have had her licking her lips and counting the hours until lunch .
18 Phoebe opened her eyes and saw the abstracted professional look in the doctor 's face ; attentive not to Phoebe but to the lump , to the breast itself .
19 She sank slowly to the bottom and opened her eyes and saw the legs of the four underwater .
20 Donna cupped one hand over her eyes and saw the lights of King 's Cross through the window as the train slowed to a crawl , preparatory to gliding to a halt .
21 The wind whisked past her ears , her stomach lurched ; she opened her eyes and saw the white , freckled child screaming , his mouth open like a great dark cave , clinging on to the side of the boat with his frail clean-scrubbed little hands .
22 She wiped her eyes and let the clutch in .
23 Snuggling into Patrick , she closed her eyes and let the memories drift in front of her closed lids .
24 It was a shaky whisper against his shoulder , and then she ceased to think at all , simply shut her eyes and let the hot , sweet river of desire flow unchecked through her veins and her limbs and her bloodstream .
25 Lucinda closed her eyes and sniffed the air ecstatically .
26 For the moment she did n't want to open her eyes and release the tears of pain .
27 She averts her eyes and pricks the tear in her tights with one incisive nail .
28 Shiona closed her eyes and forced the thought from her .
29 There she stopped in a car park to dry her eyes and dab the blood from the tear at the corner of her mouth .
30 She narrowed her eyes and threw the cruel truth at him .
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