Example sentences of "make between the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , an important distinction must be made between the legitimate expression and engagement with such client feelings and the more unacceptable and personalised expression of aggression or threat towards workers .
2 Comparisons will be made between the actual business experiences of the sample and the expectations reported during the original interviews .
3 A useful distinction can be made between the defensive factors that cause companies to look beyond their domestic markets ( reactive factors ) and proactive influences .
4 No distinction will be made between the various elements of cost such as labour , plant and materials .
5 They discovered that compromises had to be made between the descriptive criteria of frequency and range of language items and pedagogic criteria which were adduced from the assumed purpose or process of learning ( see Mackey 1965 : Chapter 6 ; Widdowson 1968 : Chapter 1 ) .
6 Although often referred to loosely as the " Yalta agreement " , the Commonwealth Soviet repatriation agreement signed on 11 February 1945 was quite separate from the main Yalta Agreement made between the Soviet Union and the Allies at the Crimea Conference .
7 External factors may be blamed for the general depression of mood and blamed for various damaging consequences but no connection may be made between the depressed mood and damaging consequences and the continuing use of the substance or behaviour of addiction .
8 How the WO calculates future housing need — we asked if a distinction could be made between the quantitative factors and the qualitative assumptions/aspirations , including political objectives .
9 A distinction should also be made between the particular style of character dance known in all the leading schools and the true folk dance performed by the people of a country .
10 A distinction is usually made between the theoretical mass balance and the actual mass balance .
11 An encouraging agreement has been made between the Lithuanian Government and Poland on the ethnic Poles in Lithuania , which we support .
12 In the previous chapter a distinction was made between the attitudinal function of intonation and several other functions that were given the collective names of syntagmatic functions .
13 ‘ The jump has been made between the scientific debate about passive smoking and the law , ’ says Peter Cashman , solicitor for the Australian Federation of Consumer Organisations ( AFCO ) .
14 We must screw the lid on spending as tightly as possible , so that a true and proper comparison can be made between the old rates system , uprated to match current spending , the poll tax charge , and the new council tax .
15 In a detailed study of the contacts made between the isolated POU domain and POU HD of Oct-1 on the Ad2 sequence , Verrijzer et al .
16 On Exmoor , a similar legal distinction was made between the royal forest and surrounding commons , clearly seen on ‘ The Map of Exmore ’ of 1675 .
17 The focus of this theory is upon the comparison individuals are presumed to make between the marginal value of an extra hour of work or leisure .
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