Example sentences of "make any [noun] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Central TV have not yet made any approach to Villa owner Doug Ellis — but if Ellis wo n't play ball , then Newbon may try his luck with other Midlands giants like Coventry or Nottingham Forest .
2 Moorgate Mercantile had not made any representation to Twitchings .
3 In view of the call by the farmers unions in Scotland and Wales for a ban on the importation of Irish beef , has the Minister made any representations to Republican Ministers about the widespread use of clenbuterol , or angel dust , in the Republic ?
4 Although she understood J. C. Ibbetson well , Rotha Mary Clay did not make any reference to Green in her book on Ibbetson .
5 And you begin to say things that do n't make any sense to people who do n't know what 's going on between you , but you know that the other person , to whom what you 've said is really addressed will know what you mean , even though he may not actually be there .
6 I was very conscious that in my presence there it could n't be avoided , though , of course , the Methodist Church does not make any claims to priesthood for its ministry .
7 Would it make any difference to life in this community if there no primary school in Village ?
8 I do n't think this guide will make any difference to erosion on the hills at all .
9 ‘ But it does n't make any difference to Tom and me .
10 Similarly , it is generally agreed that the discourse-deictic words like moreover , besides , anyway , well , etc. , in utterance-initial position , do not make any difference to truth conditions ( Grice , 1961 , 1975 ; Wilson , 1975 ) .
11 Sorry does it I put my question very badly , does it make any difference to traffic through this particular part or Knaresborough where the relief road is ?
12 and it will not in that sense make any difference to God love , make a lot of difference to you and to me , but it will not make any difference to God 's love whether we spend our eternity in heaven or in hell , he will not love those in heaven any more than he loves those who are already , who will be punished for ever in hell , because God 's love is eternal , it did n't start at Bethlehem , it did n't start at Calvary and it does n't end when you and I die , as love is eternal , so God has provided salvation for every body and he offers salvation to all who will come to him in repent and and seine fe and except his salvation , you see when the Lord Jesus Christ died upon Calvary 's cross he died to make salvation available for who , for every body , you see he did n't just lay your sins on Jesus , listen to what the old testament profit Isaiah says , there in that tremendous fifty third chapter , and , and in what it 's in verse six , all of us says the profit like sheep have gone astray , each of us has turn to his own way , but the Lord has caused the iniquity of us all to fall on him , whether you and I reject Jesus Christ or accept him does not alter the fact that our sin was laid on Jesus the sins are the most awful person you can think of were laid on Jesus Christ , Jesus Christ paid the sins for , for , for , for men like Hitler , he paid theirs , the price for their sins , as much as he paid the price for the sins of somebody like St Francis of Assisi So God is not partial , it 's clear from scripture that all maybe saved , he made salvation available to all in that same book of Isaiah in chapter forty five , verse twenty two , it says look unto me all the ends of the earth are being saved said the Lord , in Romans one sixteen Paul says I am not ashamed of the gospel because it is the power of God onto salvation to all who will believe , and the verse we 've already quoted John three sixty , for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son , that who so ever believe in him should not perish , but have ever lasting life and Paul when writing to Timothy says he gives his own personal testimony he says this is a good and a faithful saying , it 's worthy of every body accepting that God desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth , so it 's quite clear that all maybe saved .
13 It is sad to report that neither the Transport Department nor the Environment Department ( they made a joint decision in favour of the trench on the grounds of cost ) made any attempt to value Twyford Down , its inhabitants and the enjoyment gained now and in the future from them .
14 If you make any alterations to Windows , like changing the wallpaper , these new settings are stored in one of the INI files .
15 Neither of the two Prayer Books of Edward VI , nor those of Elizabeth I and Charles II , make any reference to coffins .
16 Significantly , neither the summary of Existing Benefits for Members in Practice , set out in Appendix 3 , nor the summary of Recent Achievements , set out in Appendix 5 , make any reference to practice profitability or the legal liability problem .
17 The transport firms should consider this issue carefully before they make any changes to schedules especially if change is for the sake of a few pounds .
18 and it will not in that sense make any difference to God love , make a lot of difference to you and to me , but it will not make any difference to God 's love whether we spend our eternity in heaven or in hell , he will not love those in heaven any more than he loves those who are already , who will be punished for ever in hell , because God 's love is eternal , it did n't start at Bethlehem , it did n't start at Calvary and it does n't end when you and I die , as love is eternal , so God has provided salvation for every body and he offers salvation to all who will come to him in repent and and seine fe and except his salvation , you see when the Lord Jesus Christ died upon Calvary 's cross he died to make salvation available for who , for every body , you see he did n't just lay your sins on Jesus , listen to what the old testament profit Isaiah says , there in that tremendous fifty third chapter , and , and in what it 's in verse six , all of us says the profit like sheep have gone astray , each of us has turn to his own way , but the Lord has caused the iniquity of us all to fall on him , whether you and I reject Jesus Christ or accept him does not alter the fact that our sin was laid on Jesus the sins are the most awful person you can think of were laid on Jesus Christ , Jesus Christ paid the sins for , for , for , for men like Hitler , he paid theirs , the price for their sins , as much as he paid the price for the sins of somebody like St Francis of Assisi So God is not partial , it 's clear from scripture that all maybe saved , he made salvation available to all in that same book of Isaiah in chapter forty five , verse twenty two , it says look unto me all the ends of the earth are being saved said the Lord , in Romans one sixteen Paul says I am not ashamed of the gospel because it is the power of God onto salvation to all who will believe , and the verse we 've already quoted John three sixty , for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son , that who so ever believe in him should not perish , but have ever lasting life and Paul when writing to Timothy says he gives his own personal testimony he says this is a good and a faithful saying , it 's worthy of every body accepting that God desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth , so it 's quite clear that all maybe saved .
19 Even then , such is Peter 's Jewish prejudice , the Holy Spirit has to take the initiative in falling upon Cornelius and his company before ever Peter had got round to making any appeal to repentance , faith and baptism ( 10:44f ) .
20 He was told not to promise any date for attainment of Dominion status : ‘ There is no advantage in fixing paper dates ’ , and he was even told not to use the term Dominion status and on no account to make any reference to independence .
21 And there is passion as well as poetry in Sing as We Go ( 1934 ) , one of the few films of the 1930s to make any reference to unemployment .
22 Tindal C.J. in that case gave as examples of permissible retaking by A from the land of an innocent person , C , ( a ) where the goods have come there by accident ; ( b ) where they have been feloniously taken by B and A follows them to C's land ; ( c ) where C refuses to deliver up the goods or to make any answer to A's demand for them .
23 Nor did it seem to make any difference to ability to perform everyday activities ( such as selecting the correct coins for shopping ) which were poor for many in both samples .
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