Example sentences of "make up a [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 The surface of the Earth is made up a number of plates , and these move relative to each other .
2 Cross-examined by Bert Kerrigan , QC , for Murray , Mr Mackie denied that he had made up a pack of lies because he held a grudge against his former boss .
3 I had made up a sort of flattened octopus-like creature , with electrically lit eyes , which we stretched out onto a frame and placed in a shallow trough of water so that it was only just submerged .
4 Trow Gill is dry , a grass slope rising and narrowing to a breach in the cliffs at the top , a passage through it being made up a tumble of boulders .
5 So , although it is possible to conceive of any event as an incarnation of the totality , insofar as it must itself make up a part of that totality in its determination , unlike the case of the boxing match , where we can define the overall entity ‘ boxing ’ , it still remains unproven that an overall entity , ‘ History ’ , can be said to exist at all .
6 This example was meant to illustrate the unexpected links that might make up a chain of natural interactions , but it is significant that no experimental work was done to test the idea .
7 You can also make up a book of spells and write spells on a piece of paper , or even a menu for witches ' stew .
8 uses it one way see they 're gon na make up a dictionary of how many different expr er interpretations of a word
9 The son of Topsider did make up a lot of ground in the closing stages , but by then it was far too late .
10 Each student can make up a package of tests to go for ; he may repeat those that he fails , without the social disaster of being kept down a year ; and he may make up a mix of practical and theoretical according to a plan worked out with his class teacher , and bearing in mind what he aims to do next .
11 Each student can make up a package of tests to go for ; he may repeat those that he fails , without the social disaster of being kept down a year ; and he may make up a mix of practical and theoretical according to a plan worked out with his class teacher , and bearing in mind what he aims to do next .
12 Weeks fifteen to twenty one is subject specific and all the details that have to come in and make up a record of achievement .
13 The chairmen of these committees made up a Board of Ministers .
14 In the year 18 — you made up a mixture of chemical powders for Doctor Henry Jekyll .
15 So I made up a couple of bottles for them and they said " Oh . " .
16 She just made up a load of stories to cheer herself up . ’
17 Then , as another kind of exorcism , I made up a list of :
18 If it was a complex curve , starting lazy and getting tight , say , Flynn made up a set of templates , each consisting of a plank and three nails to mark the tangent and the offset sighting lines .
19 Steel-Maitland , Boraston , Jenkins and Fraser made up a team of experts , all of sufficient status to deal with politicians who might call into the office ; the work of the office was departmentalized for the first time and the heads of department brought together into a supervising board .
20 He liked the Latin name so much that he made up a sort of rhyme about it and chanted this as he went upstairs :
21 Oil production will fall by about 5% to make up 26% of total production while coal production will increase by 60%to make up a proportion of energy production similar to 1983 .
22 Animals make up a category of painting with an uneven reputation , though the theme is one of obvious importance and interest in sculpture .
23 And between them they make up a total of thirty-eight different characters .
24 Ants , aphids and plants together make up a kind of farming economy based on sugar .
25 4 Make up a continuation of the story , using any clues you can find .
26 Nor is science concerned with just the kinds of generalization that make up a theory of determinism with respect to our lives .
27 Do n't take along a shade fringe with dozens of colours — pull out a few ‘ whiskers ’ in basic shades and make up a fringe of your own .
28 They make up a group of institutions which has been described as the ‘ third force ’ in higher education , alongside the universities and polytechnics , and are known variously as colleges of higher education , institutes of higher education , colleges of education or just plain colleges .
29 These assumptions make up a set of inter-related hypotheses about the processes and criteria of class membership .
30 Then make up a minimum of 650 calories ( more , if you are allowing yourself between 1,000 and 1,500 a day ) from Fibre-Filler ( see page 65 ) and the meals on the F-Plan menus .
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