Example sentences of "make at [art] [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Following the passing of the Development Land Tax of 1976 , all land acquisitions by authorities were made at a price net of any tax payable by the sellers of development land .
2 The selection was due to be made at a DLP convention to be held before May 9 .
3 The presentation was made at a celebration ceremony in London which was attended by four editors of the carpet trade press in addition to many others .
4 ‘ It does n't seem much , just a few remarks made at a Freikultur camp twenty years ago . ’
5 It is also worth noting that there are several teaching points that could usefully be made at a draft stage in Thomas 's work , notably the need to review the time sequence of the verbs in the penultimate sentence .
6 An attempt to pass the money was made at a car centre in the village .
7 ( 2 ) A requirement under this section to provide specimens of breath can only be made at a police station .
8 ( 3 ) A requirement under this section to provide a specimen of blood or urine can only be made at a police station or at a hospital ; and it can not be made at a police station unless — ( a ) the constable making the requirement has reasonable cause to believe that for medical reasons a specimen of breath can not be provided or should not be required , or ( b ) at the time the requirement is made a device or a reliable device of the type mentioned in subsection ( 1 ) ( a ) above is not available at the police station or it is then for any other reason not practicable to use such a device there , or ( c ) the suspected offence is one under section 4 of this Act and the constable making the requirement has been advised by a medical practitioner that the condition of the person required to provide the specimen might be due to some drug ; but may then be made notwithstanding that the person required to provide the specimen has already provided or been required to provide two specimens of breath .
9 ( 3 ) A requirement under this section to provide a specimen of blood or urine can only be made at a police station or at a hospital ; and it can not be made at a police station unless — ( a ) the constable making the requirement has reasonable cause to believe that for medical reasons a specimen of breath can not be provided or should not be required , or ( b ) at the time the requirement is made a device or a reliable device of the type mentioned in subsection ( 1 ) ( a ) above is not available at the police station or it is then for any other reason not practicable to use such a device there , or ( c ) the suspected offence is one under section 4 of this Act and the constable making the requirement has been advised by a medical practitioner that the condition of the person required to provide the specimen might be due to some drug ; but may then be made notwithstanding that the person required to provide the specimen has already provided or been required to provide two specimens of breath .
10 Puttnam wanted to show how the decisions made at the Paris peace conference continue to affect the situation in the Middle East today .
11 Joshua , in order to be friendly , asked Harvey if he had heard of Clemenceau 's remark about Lloyd George , made at the Paris Peace Conference after the Kaiser 's War ?
12 ‘ In fact , no disconnection was made at the fuse end , and although at the other relay end the old wire was disconnected , it was not cut back as it should have been , nor was it secured out of the way of its previous contact . ’
13 I sought clarification on a point he had made at the press conference .
14 Enquiry should be made at the court office as to a particular court 's practice .
15 In order to gain automatic control of the trouble spot , namely the association between the pronoun and the verb ending , a system drill consisting of several substitution drills needs to be set up , in which the pronoun is kept constant ( and hence the verb ending ) , and substitution is made at the verb stem position .
16 Urgent plans were being made at the London office to fly next of kin to Katmandu tomorrow .
17 and some other cars were mounted on rigid two axle trucks of German design , made at the parent factory at Bautzen in Germany .
18 As a method it demands prolonged looking and a thorough examination of the surface counters of an image before response is made at the depth counter level .
19 but Vietnam joined Laos to torpedo Malaysia 's attempts to have the conference renew the endorsement of ZOPFAN previously made at the Algiers Summit Conference .
20 No adjustments can be made at the laying stage .
21 The August outing is now to be to Westcliff , cost two pounds sixty , seventh of August leaving at nine thirty A M payments to be made at the July meeting .
22 The announcements were made at the InterOp conference in Washington .
23 President Bush has already promised that no commitments will be made at the Malta summit , and last week agreed to fly on to Brussels immediately afterwards to brief Nato leaders .
24 Initially , some progress appeared to have been made at the Jakarta meeting when Sihanouk and Hun Sen announced that they had finally agreed on a compromise formula on the issue of the SNC chair ( Sihanouk as chair , Hun Sen as vice-chair ) .
25 We have just received our first order from the Ukraine as a result of a contact made at the Expozoo exhibition in Paris .
26 Though findings of our study may support the recommendations made at the Mexico City Conference , it is not presented to this end .
27 The contract was made at the reception desk .
28 The contract had been made at the reception desk ; the notice was ineffective because it was introduced too late .
29 Adjustments could also be made at the wrapping stage .
30 In response to requests made at the ODP workshop in August , a ‘ marriage broking ’ service is being provided to assist in the forming of consortia .
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