Example sentences of "make it [adj] [verb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 The contemporary tumours that Eleanor had been an adulteress made it possible to believe that she preached what she practised .
2 The implied duty to co-operate ( see 8.17.4 ) should make it unnecessary to stipulate that the parties will provide the expert with all information and documents he reasonably requires : sometimes expert clauses contain a specific provision to this effect .
3 But to accept this does not make it necessary to deny that A-X and B-X associations may be formed and that X could thus act to mediate generalization between A and B , perhaps outweighing the effects of differentiation .
4 The imprecision in definition of core services will make it difficult to ensure that people will have access to appropriate , locally-based services , regardless of where they live .
5 The decision was justified on the grounds that Haibara 's refusal to identify the recipients made it impossible to prove that the Political Funds Control Law had been violated .
6 Once experimental control achieved in laboratory conditions made it possible to demonstrate that the strength of specific behaviours was indeed a function of environmental events , it seemed reasonable to describe such events as reinforcers .
7 As for school libraries , the confusion caused by the complexity of educational change and the financial problems of local education authorities make it easy to believe that they have virtually ceased functioning .
8 Why does the separation of the mental from the physical make it impossible to show that we understand what it is for there to be other minds than our own , given the separation of the mental from the physical ?
9 Practical and ethical problems make it difficult to prove that viruses cause cancer in humans .
10 The ends of the rivets were bent over at right angles on the back of the shield making it possible to calculate that the wooden boards of the complete circular shields were 0.5 to 1.5 cm thick .
11 Finally , as we have shown earlier , what is defined as criminal varies across time and place , thus making it difficult to argue that in-built differences between the sexes can explain what is a variable phenomena .
12 Paragraph seven making it clear put that an initial assessment has already established er it has already passed the preliminary assessment stage er and that er the director is undertaking the data collection procedure so that the site can be properly assessed and I do drawn er Mr attention er to that I erm have taken the opportunity during the last adjournment Chairman to speak to Mr about the appropriateness of the wording of his er er amendment and I believe that he he may wish to er move something which is slightly different er which will certainly er we 'll deal with that er if he does move that but er it clearly is the intention of this report and of the committee that when the work has been completed on the assessment of traffic calming measure in Shalford and its priority established , that we would then bring er another report er to the highways and transportation committee in response to this petition er as as indeed is set out in paragraph ten B and if Mr wished that to be brought forward through to council then that will be done but I leave to him if he wish to move an amendment to make it quite clear , since er I must say this motion is rather bland .
13 And each play has a plausible villain , making it tempting to think that Iago and Angelo were both played by the same actor .
14 ( 3 ) Where goods are supplied in pursuance of a request in which a trade description is used and the circumstances are such as to make it reasonable to infer that the goods are supplied as goods corresponding to that trade description , the person supplying the goods shall be deemed to have applied that trade description to the goods .
15 The comprehensive and pervasive nature of planning makes it easy to forget that it has very little to do with private rights and restrictions .
16 Each of these immunities is of great importance , but the fact that they are all important and that they are all concerned with the protection of citizens against the abuse of powers by those investigating crimes makes it easy to assume that they are all different ways of expressing the same principle , whereas in fact they are not .
17 ‘ Each of these immunities is of great importance , but the fact that they are all important and that they are all concerned with the protection of citizens against the abuse of powers by those investigating crimes makes it easy to assume that they are all different ways of expressing the same principle , whereas in fact they are not .
18 The complexity of modern European economies makes it impossible to believe that rural community self-sufficiency can be achieved in isolation from urban and industrial economy .
19 This makes it possible to believe that God can relate to us , and that he can reach out to us and transform our nature .
20 The paucity of inflammatory cells in the lamina propria that is usually seen with this type of gastritis makes it difficult to argue that the increased synthesis derives from inflammatory cells .
21 Without such explanation , of course , it makes it difficult to accept that the same things really are taking place in the different spheres .
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