Example sentences of "make it [adj] that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Now an atheist computer has declared its lack of belief in these gentlemen and , to howls of delight from fundamentalists in both Jewish and Christian religions , has made it possible that Ol' Grampa Moses was the culprit after all .
2 Although the latter cases are probably a diminishing minority , especially now that budgetary delegation under LMS has made it essential that heads in their turn delegate a greater proportion of their managerial functions to senior staff , our studies indicate a more general need for primary schools to continue to review the role of deputy headship , to define more exactly the range of tasks it is appropriate for someone at that level of seniority to undertake , and to ensure that all deputy heads have appropriate job specifications .
3 Mrs Thatcher has made it clear that Britain remains as adamantly opposed as ever to sanctions and has no intention of joining in new measures against South Africa .
4 I occasionally wonder whether anyone in Brussels listens to what is said in the House , but my right hon. Friends have made it clear that Britain can not accept any defence arrangement that would weaken NATO or the Atlantic alliance , and that we can not accept any declaration of intent or prior commitment to a single currency .
5 In reply to representations on that matter , my right hon. and learned Friend and I have made it clear that funding will continue to be available from central Government for all types of further education for adults .
6 It is not impossible , if he fails in the Gulf , to make progress on Palestine , where the Arab uprising of the past three years has made it clear that Israel can no longer maintain a decent stewardship of the occupied territories .
7 However he welcomed the manner in which the new law had resolved the " most serious " objections which had led him to veto the 1990 version , and had made it clear that US government " requests " to third countries or private citizens for help in covert actions did not need to be reported to Congress .
8 In terms of articles 2 and 3 of the Irish constitution , I said when I addressed the Dublin chamber of commerce on Friday in conjunction with Co-operation North that the Irish Government had made it clear that articles 2 and 3 would be on the table with regard to any talks , and that is , of itself , a reason to seek to proceed with the talks .
9 Attempts to examine survival and replacement rates in rural society and in towns other than London have made it clear that conclusions can at best be tentative .
10 Bolton had made it clear that Jack was not for sale , but Chapman , who in twenty years of football management rarely failed to get his man , was determined .
11 The government has long made it clear that sterling would enter the Exchange Rate Mechanism during stage one of economic and monetary union which began in July ; it has now done so at the earliest appropriate time .
12 Jim Birrell , chief executive of Halifax , has made it clear that Halifax will not allow itself to be frogmarched into a potentially damaging merger with a large but weak society .
13 Although Moi claimed that his decision to end single party rule was not due to external pressure , on Dec. 1 a statement from the United States embassy in Nairobi had made it clear that Kenya would not benefit fully from US aid unless the government curbed corruption and liberalized the political system .
14 The government has made it clear that redevelopment should , as far as possible , be in line with local planning policies but that where this is impossible new uses are preferable to leaving a large site derelict .
15 The disputes in the councils which followed the election of Sinn Fein representatives in 1985 has made it clear that loyalists are willing to close down councils rather than work with Sinn Fein , and the younger generation of DUP activists has been fully active in the promotion of that position .
16 I think you had made it clear that Mr Yeo very much valued her .
17 Daniel Patrick Moynihan , the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee and one of the administration 's key allies on the Hill , has made it clear that Mr Clinton is willing to scale back the tax , exempting whole industries and offering generous rebates to exporters .
18 Bush has made it plain that US forces are there simply to ensure that relief gets through to those who need it , although it might help more if the troops sorted out the renegade gangs stealing the food .
19 The Americans and their allies have always made it plain that January 15th was merely the point after which war would become authorised , not necessarily the date for attack .
20 Unless the United Nations peacekeepers proved very much tougher in Serbia than they have done in Croatia , that would have made it unlikely that Croats and Muslims would have felt secure enough to return to their former homes .
21 Merely to count all the details that it is necessary to accumulate from the preparation of a scenario and score through rehearsal to public performance should make it clear that co-operation from other artists as well as from dancers is required .
22 We should make it clear that Tatton is totally opposed to the building of a second runway . ’
23 This unflinching march to the brink does not make it inevitable that war will begin the moment the deadline expires .
24 At the very least , he will make it plain that Israel must one day let go of most of the West Bank and Gaza .
25 He argued that in some markets the lumpy nature of demand made it essential that contracts be shared out , to ensure that the competitors were not exposed to the risk of alternating ‘ feast and famine ’ in their order books .
26 Though Plato never made it explicit that Thoth , the inventor of science , was identical with Hermes , the identification is stated by Aristoxenus of Tarentum and Hecataeus of Abdera ( Stobaeus 1 , Prooem. 6 , p. 20 Wachsmuth = Aristoxenus fr. 23 Wehrli ; Diodorus 1.16 ) .
27 The pattern of industrial organization prevailing in Britain at the end of the nineteenth century made it inevitable that Britain 's pioneer filmmakers would quickly find themselves crowded off the world 's screens .
28 Ferdinando surprised her by having someone write a letter for him towards the end of March which made it plain that Mrs Browning had fared no better in Rome than in Siena and was very ill .
29 Upon our arrival at the foot of the stairs the dog made it plain that stairs were an innovation he 'd not encountered before , by staging the first of many sit-down strikes .
30 Such a development required a strong defence , and the point to which they referred time and time again was that ‘ modern conditions ’ made it imperative that education be structured into a coherent national system , with special attention being paid to working-class youth , not merely to trade classes for apprentices , but to the mass of young workers .
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