Example sentences of "make at [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 SIMON Coyte has questioned parish objections made at a recent planning meeting to externally illuminated fascia signs .
2 Most gliders are very reluctant to stall in the slip ( try it some time ) , but if the recovery is made at a low speed , or the pilot forgets to ease forwards to prevent the nose rising during the recovery , there is a very real danger of stalling or of flying rather slowly as the glider encounters the wind gradient .
3 It has been in the initial stage in which wishing prevails over thinking , generalisation over observation , and in which little attempt is made at a critical analysis of existing facts or available means .
4 Peru , Bolivia and Colombia opposed US proposals , made at a preparatory meeting in Quito , Ecuador , in early February , to allow aircraft or warships of member countries of a " regional conference and action group " to enter each other 's territory , sea or airspace in pursuit of drug traffickers .
5 When no time is stipulated and it is for the buyer to collect , the seller must be ready to hand over the goods ( against payment ) to the buyer on demand ( provided made at a reasonable hour , section 29(5) ) at any time after the making of the contract .
6 Sheer cliffs , 300–400 feet high , defend the island , relenting only where a breach permits landings to be made at a small beach ; nearby an ancient graveyard and ruined crofts are relics of a former occupation .
7 The presentation would be made at a Divisional Meeting in due course .
8 The suggestion was made at a joint meeting of all sides organised by North Yorkshire county council .
9 Get a good quality recording made at a professional studio , but it is fairly costly .
10 The result of our cursory glance at the attempts that have been made at a new perspective on law and the legal system is thus both clear and complicated : the legal system can no longer be understood to be monolithic , but is differentiated , and this differentiation is structured by its relationship to other social sub-systems ; law , moreover , has a different ideological role in different national legal cultures .
11 OK so the occasional ( ! ) taunt may be made at a footy game but it IS a football match after all and not a place for the fainthearted .
12 A + mistake may be made at a single point or a length of DNA may become temporarily dislocated and be reinserted in the wrong place .
13 Finally , a good deal of inquiry is made at a local level by local authorities or local voluntary bodies attempting to assess a particular problem in the immediate area .
14 Such policies can not work , because cuts have to be made at a difficult time and even more jobs are lost .
15 The last ditch attempt to fend off polltax capping was made at a special meeting of the council in the Shire Hall .
16 The award was made at a special ceremony at Admiralty House in London .
17 A decision on Langbaurgh 's controversial parking policy in Redcar and Guisborough will be made at a special highways meeting today .
18 Assurances that a new era was underway were made at a civic banquet to celebrate the thirty-fifth anniversary of the People 's Republic .
19 Coins , especially those of precious metal , were made at a particular standard of so many coins to a unit of weight ( be this a Roman scripulum or an English grain ) .
20 I would prefer , at the risk of offending the purists , to take a robust attitude , and simply say that it is a decision made at a particular time in response to a particular situation against a particular political background , and is poor material on which to build any general proposition .
21 Local leaders attributed it to a request made at the Russian Congress of People 's Deputies by the Chair of South Ossetia 's Supreme Soviet , Torez Kolumbegov , for the autonomous region in Georgia to be reintegrated in the Russian Federation [ for January referendum in favour of reintegration see pp. 38731-32 ] .
22 If the right hon. Gentleman would only himself address the causes of crime , he would realise that they would certainly not be solved by the suggestion made at the Labour party press conference this morning — that we should empty our prisons to pay for more police .
23 Any necessary elections for tax purposes must be identified and made at the optimum times .
24 This activity continued despite the threat made at the Economic Community of West African States ( ECOWAS ) summit in July to blockade NPFL territory if Taylor did not implement the terms of the Yamoussoukro IV peace agreement by the end of August [ see p. 38993 ] .
25 Profit made at the Annual Reunion £1000+
26 The presentation was made at the Annual Sales Conference in March , where Trevor 's achievement was noted as holding particular merit in such competitive trading conditions .
27 Abnormal development may occur if a protein is not made at the right time or place , or the protein is defective or if too little or too much is made .
28 The presentations to the prize winners will be made at the European Quality Management Forum in October .
29 Upper Halling had its own ice cream made at the Black Boy by Jesse Crowhurst and Ernie Pankhurst , this would be made at weekends then loaded on to a hand card and pushed either up to Red Kill or to Birling Bank , where they would sell approx. 5–6 gallons on a Sunday .
30 Application for leave is usually made at the pre-trial review .
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