Example sentences of "make [pers pn] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The assurance with which Gothic schemes were presented made them the obvious alternative to Second Empire , but large secular Gothic buildings of this type were an unknown quantity .
2 Plus , of course , he admitted to himself wryly , the fact that the hours and the work do n't make me the ideal boy-friend , let alone husband .
3 To Ajax he says : ‘ I would thou didst itch from head to foot ; an ’ I had the scratching of thee , I would make thee the loathsomest scab in Greece' ( 27ff . ) .
4 I would thou didst itch from head to foot ; an I had the scratching of thee , I would make thee the loathsomest scab in Greece .
5 See where this affair with a nobody will lead you ; I would have made you the greatest actress of your generation , and now you are nothing and no one . ’
6 It takes far less time than full-scale autobiography , for we are looking for a profile of the significant events that have made you the distinctive person that you are ( warts and all , as they say ) .
7 A long , indented coastline , with many harbours on both the Atlantic and the Mediterranean , gave her easy access to the oceans and had made her the economic centre of the world .
8 … commanded his armie to halt , and himselfe went alone to the toppe where , having sighted the Mar del Sur , he knelt down and raising his hands to Heaven , pouring forth mighty praises to God for His great grace in having made him the first man to discover and sight it .
9 A lifetime 's devotion to ants has made him the principal authority on the subject .
10 On 29th January , 1855 , Aberdeen 's Government had been heavily defeated in the House of Commons on a censure motion criticizing its conduct of the Crimean War , but it was not until 6th February that Queen Victoria brought herself to appoint the seventy-one-year-old Palmerston as Aberdeen 's successor , although his prestige and popularity had made him the inevitable choice as Prime Minister .
11 This has been the practice in many countries internationally , but our sudden realisation of its effectiveness in creating bilingualism has made it the major discovery in language acquisition .
12 All of that suggests that the sheep industry is poised to make the most of the structural accident that has made it the biggest producer of lamb in the Northern Hemisphere .
13 In per capita terms , Venezuela 's long history as an oil exporter — between 1929 and 1969 it was the world 's leading exporter — has made it the richest country in South America .
14 Its elasticity would have made it the ideal candidate for a trampoline-cover .
15 Flashman has made us the laughing stock of football .
16 If I stay , I can make you the best horsewoman in the district — one your husband will be proud of and one that the other ladies will envy when you ride to hounds . ’
17 The evening will be semi-business anyway , so your qualifications make you the best candidate . ’
18 In Soho , hell-bent on a good time , her tremendous vitality made her the female counterpart of Minton .
19 Which made her the last person to know how to handle this evening 's adventure .
20 His father had been right for once : she would make him the perfect match .
21 ‘ That time would make him the best dog at the track , ’ said joint racing manager Jimmy Nunn .
22 IAN McCANN cruises the mean streets of Kingston to find out what a crap fist they 're making of the great man 's legacy , and to talk to some of those who helped make him the Third World 's finest musical ambassador .
23 Thus he says of Ali , a member of Fatah , ‘ He knew I loved him , but it did n't make him the slightest bit arrogant .
24 Walker 's ball skills could make him the ideal link between Tim Horan , who switched from centre to fly-half when Lynagh damaged his shoulder against Ireland , and Little .
25 By common consent Murphy comes over as easy-going , but behind that there is a sharpness that even he admits does n't always make him the easiest person to work for .
26 That made him the perfect fling .
27 Faldo took his 1992 winnings to a world record £1.5m , while Norman 's only consolation was that the £190,234 runner's-up cheque made him the first player in history to breech the $10 million barrier in career earnings .
28 Eleven years later the World Federation of the Deaf at the seventh Congress in Washington awarded him an International Solidarity Merit Award , and Gallaudet College , taking advantage of his presence made him the first recipient of a medallion for " outstanding international service to the deaf " , which he received at a special convention attended by the Vice-President of the United States .
29 However , although Leese 's virulent anti-semitism and racial fascist beliefs made him the nearest equivalent in outlook to an English Hitler , his personality and attitude to leadership were very different .
30 So his political background and other skills made him the logical candidate ’ .
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