Example sentences of "make [pers pn] [adj] for the " in BNC.

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1 You did n't run — that only made them eager for the chase .
2 ‘ We have here not a few whose high office would make them suitable for the position , ’ he said .
3 Britain 's main clearing banks are reviewing their lending policies in the light of a draft EC directive which would make them liable for the clean-up costs of their industrial clients , should the latter go into liquidation .
4 The Moghul tombs , the Red Fort , the towering minarets of the Jami Masjid , made me aware for the first time of the significance of civilization , and the meaning of history .
5 This is the idea that crime and deviance have positive qualities and consequences that make them necessary for the healthy functioning of society .
6 As far as the debtor 's obligations are concerned , he must retain possession of the goods and make them available for the creditor to collect , taking reasonable care of them in the meantime ( s72(4) ) .
7 RICHARD GOUGH and Trevor Steven will be examined by Rangers ' medical staff today but the injuries sustained at Fir Park last night have made them doubtful for the European tie with FC Brugge .
8 To summarize : although Paisley and the other ministers of the Free Presbyterian Church have always maintained a clear division between ‘ constitutional ’ and ‘ party ’ politics — the Church has a position on the constitution but does not back any particular party — the close historical and biographical links between Church and Party have made it impossible for the Free Presbyterian Church to avoid either being tagged with the label of being the DUP at prayer or on occasion being disrupted by the spill-over of tensions from the Party into the Church .
9 There is some evidence , though not very much , of occasions when the plaintiff or husband acted or refrained from acting in a way in which they might not have done but for their expectation of inheriting the deceased 's property : I refer to the occasions when the husband refrained from selling his building land , and refrained from taking a job in Lincolnshire which would have made it impossible for the plaintiff to continue caring for her mother and the deceased , and the occasions when the plaintiff instructed solicitors at her own expense in connection with the boundary dispute … and the expenditure of time and money on the house and garden and on carpeting the house , when the deceased had ample means to pay for such matters .
10 The same storm which had swept Hawke 's blockading cruisers away from Ushant and enabled Conflans to get out of Brest had made it possible for the privateer captain , François Thurot [ or Thourot ] to take his little five-ship fleet , carrying some 1270 soldiers and 700 seamen , out of Dunkirk .
11 The contracting system to which my hon. Friend referred has made it possible for the health authority to provide extra capacity for the specialty at Exeter hospital which will ensure that the waiting list can be worked off much more quickly than would otherwise be possible .
12 My hon. Friend is right to draw attention to the fact that the further substantial increase in the NHS 's capital budget in the next financial year has made it possible for the health authority and the Ministry of Defence to come to an agreement on that issue .
13 In a nationally televised speech , Bush said that developments in the Soviet Union had made it possible for the United States unilaterally to " take steps to make the world a less dangerous place than ever before in the nuclear age " .
14 The Scots and the Welsh and the Irish have clearly retained very strong national cultural characteristics , which have made it necessary for the student who wants to make accurate distinctions to say ‘ British does mean something , and it 's something to do with the Briton overseas ’ .
15 To discourage petty claims , most insurers make you liable for the first £25 .
16 The onset of World War I made him responsible for the design and erection of explosives plant for the Ministry of Munitions , as well as plants for heavy chemicals , dyestuffs , intermediates , and synthetic drugs which , until that time , had been imported from Germany .
17 In fact , his phenomenal memory for facts and figures ( he has been known to correct Scottish former international rugby players on the score at half time of matches they had played in ) , combined with a genuine interest in people , made him ideal for the part and , from the day he joined TMcL a year before qualifying , his career took off .
18 So how would we find an outside correspondence for jealousy , a way of writing about it that would make it real for the reader , so real that it puts him/her in touch with his/her own jealousy ?
19 Apart from the very great difficulty of establishing how a couple manage their finances ( in effect one would have to take their word for it ) and the strong incentive they would have to arrange their affairs so as to safeguard the woman 's claim to benefit , the fact that she is receiving benefit may itself make it unnecessary for the man to give her more than is required for his own keep .
20 Find out if there is any special reason for these three products being on sale which may make it worthwhile for the shop to stock them , even though they sell slowly .
21 The width of the product line is also important , in that a wide product line may make it worthwhile for the manufacturer to market direct because the salesperson has a larger product portfolio with which to interest the customer , and this makes for more profit-earning potential .
22 The plural text will undo the classical image of a tangible author sending a tangible message to a tangible reader ; and the more plural a text is , the more it will make it impossible for the reader to find any origin for it , whether it be in the form of an authorial voice , a representational content or a philosophical truth .
23 We agree that the fact that a completely new organisation , with a unique combination of responsibilities , inherited statutory powers and duties designed for another era and a different institutional framework , does not make it easy for the Council achieve its aspirations .
24 ‘ They will merely make it easy for the Government to mobilize the military and send the settlers deeper into the area ’ .
25 A second would make it irregular for the start to be higher or lower than the finish by a factor of more than one metre for every kilometre of the distance .
26 Lord Ross added : ‘ This appears to me to emphasise that there is both importance and difficulty in this action which would make it appropriate for the action to be heard in the Court of Session as the supreme court rather than in the sheriff court .
27 The best type of treatment for both psychosomatic complaints and hypochondria is some form of psychotherapy or hypnotherapy ( see p l53 ) which should make it possible for the sufferer to identify the underlying emotions that are responsible for the symptoms .
28 Sun 's purchase of Praxsys will make it possible for the software to come to market .
29 With justice Henry V is credited not only with having understood , better than did any of his contemporaries , what were the naval problems which faced England in the early fifteenth century , but also with having done much towards the creation of a fleet of ships , some of them very large , almost ‘ prestige-type ’ vessels , which would make it possible for the English to take to sea quickly and thus try to wrest the initiative from any enemy who might be coming against them .
30 I mean the Marxism was the motivation just as it was for the Chinese but er I do n't think the Russian revolution remained Marxist revolution for very long But the achievement of revolution did make it possible for the success of revolution to be seen by the Chinese because it had already been achieved .
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