Example sentences of "make [noun sg] [prep] [art] same " in BNC.

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1 In the absence of more sophisticated software , and taking account of the desirability of direct client involvement , it was decided to try and make use of the same programme for record-keeping and analysis .
2 It is not just at the ends of words where common letter sequences can make use of the same nodes in a tree structure .
3 The people of the neighbourhood dared not indict these malefactors before the Justices of the Forest , ‘ because of their power and malice , and the poor of those parts can not obtain justice for injustice inflicted upon them unless they first make ransom to the same evil-doers ’ .
4 Robin Horton , in a widely cited article on African systems of thought ( 1967 ) , likewise attempted to break down the elements of scientific thinking in order to demonstrate that so-called ‘ primitive ’ peoples such as the Azande did in fact make use of the same elements of thought , although applied to different content .
5 So his strategy made sense at the same time as it seemed wantonly ruinous .
6 Boy was not surprised at the kind of sex they had , because he had already learnt never to assume that people made love in the same way as they talked .
7 Indeed , in the course of our research it became increasingly clear that many of those commenting upon the " new " temporary working were making reference to the same small number of examples of this practice — examples , moreover , in which the number of temporary workers actually employed was often very low [ see Chapter 7 ] .
8 ‘ Secrets of Making Love to the Same Person Forever ’ — the title says it all really .
9 Julia Foster , who starred with Crawford in Two Left Feet , which was finally released during the play 's run , was cast as Brian 's prim girlfriend , Tricia , horrified by the idea of making love in the same room as a stranger .
10 Some experts claim the difference may be as much as 15 per cent , but producers in Austria--which leads the rest of Europe in RME use--claim they can make RME for the same price as diesel .
11 As Appendix II , and indeed the main survey results , make clear , it is not necessarily low income which makes credit at the same time both an obvious refuge and an unduly heavy burden — though in the main survey we found that in general people on low incomes were more likely to say that they were worried about money than people on high incomes .
12 Of particular importance in this connection is the ability children have to derive the structural regularities of their native language — its grammatical rules — from the utterances of their parents and others around them , and then to make use of the same regularities in the construction of utterances they have never heard before .
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