Example sentences of "make [noun sg] [noun] for the " in BNC.

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1 It 's a joint venture between the French firm Bertrand Faure and its Japanese partner Tachi-S , and will make car seats for the Rover 600 , built at Cowley , and the new Swindon-built Honda Accord .
2 He hates the invaders , from not-all-that-stout Cortes via de Soto , the first to encounter the Cherokees , and the treacherous English and French who made life hell for the Mohawks , right up to the Quebec police who fired on the Mohawks as they protected their remnant of land against the building of a golf course .
3 And thereupon their Majestyes were pleased that the said lords spirituall and temporall and commons being the two Houses of Parlyament should continue to sitt and with their Majesty 's Roy all concurrence make effectuall provision for the settlement of the religion lawes and liberties of this king dome soe that the same for the future might not be in danger againe of being subverted , to which the said lords spirituall and temporall and commons did agree and proceede to act accordingly .
4 The advertising vice-president who stays late every night working on next week 's layouts but who also has to begin making contingency plans for the expected launch of two new local advertising media campaigns three years hence has a responsibility time span of three years .
5 They watched their mum making suet dumplings for the stew which , in the iron cauldron on the hob above the glowing range fire , was already giving off an aroma that was a delight to anyone 's nose on a winter evening .
6 The document , leaked to the Unemployment Unit , also suggests that making Restart courses for the unemployed ‘ compulsory for certain groups could help the service deal with more poorly-motivated clients ’ .
7 Their business , a factory making patio doors for the trade , was initially based in Newton Abbot because of economical site and labour costs ; now Peter Aldam looks forward to a mere 30-minute commute there along the soon-to-be finished A30 extension .
8 For example , it was pointed out to me that some teachers were making lesson notes for the first time in years !
9 Much of the material extracted now is ground down for various manufacturing purposes , whilst there is a lively trade in making slate ornaments for the tourist industry .
10 Mr Hopkins , who was a baker , saved rations and made Christmas cakes for the two men 's bereaved families in America .
11 THE BRITISH government 's decision to pour taxpayers ' money into a new factory to make video tape for the Japanese firm , Hitachi , has finally killed off the idea of putting a tax on the tape .
12 As Minton 's letters reveal , he chatted with her about his visits to Bristol to make advertisement drawings for the Imperial Smelting Corporation ( Colour Plate VII ) , about Michael Ayrton 's ‘ maddening ’ article , ‘ Picasso , Master of Pastiche ’ in Penguin New Writing and about Geoffrey Grigson 's Samuel Palmer : the Visionary Years which the students at Camberwell gave him when he left in December 1947 : What is absent in Minton 's letters to Edie Lamont is any hint of his riotous social life .
13 Philip Treacy , a talented novice who set up his company two years ago after leaving The Royal College of Art , makes guest appearances for the Karl Lagerfeld/Chanel stable , Rifat Ozbek and Jil Sander .
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