Example sentences of "make [det] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The cops separate the pair and make each the same offer .
2 Make that a central aim in your descriptive writing .
3 Devon and West Torridge : Friday afternoon declaration could make this a crucial seat ; Emma Nicholson , who angered some local supporters by backing Michael Heseltine in leadership election , is fighting challenge of David McBride.Falmouth and Camborne : Former double Olympic gold medallist Sebastian Coe in first attempt to become an MP ; but Lib Dems believe retiring Tory David Mudd 's majority of just over 5,000 is vulnerable to Mrs Terrye Jones , chairman of the local district council .
4 But I would not make this a necessary condition when designing a border , since to do so would be to deny oneself the pleasure of many first-rate foliage plants .
5 You can make this a reciprocal arrangement .
6 The variety of subject search approaches and output formats should ultimately make this a valuable service — although to realize full potential it must achieve a more comprehensive coverage of publishers than at present .
7 One matter which I should like to have seen included would almost certainly have merited parliamentary discussion before the inevitable dissolution of this Parliament , which will make this a short Session .
8 An A-Z of artists includes biographies and reference material on over 400 principal artists , with extensive additional information , should make this the authoritative study of the subject .
9 We will make this the biggest party in South Africa . ’
10 Although the irony of this situation at a time of teacher shortages will raise a smile among many teachers and educationalists , the real prospect of losing their jobs will make this the bitterest pill for teachers to swallow .
11 However , the heavy rainfall could make this an uncertain crop so dairying and sheep formed the main enterprises on most units .
12 The use of AID would make this an unlikely event .
13 The natural communications of the region , the navigable Po and the Alpine passes , made this a suitable area for an exchange of ideas with Germany , France and Spain ; architecturally a movement was established here which led the way for other regions .
14 The quickly erected boarded external finish of the former storage shed and the predominantly ‘ dry ’ construction of the internal wall linings made this a practical policy once reconstruction , during the spring and summer months , of the decayed lower-storey brickwork was complete and had produced a habitable shell .
15 The multitude of Madonnas for Italian worship in the Renaissance made this a fruitful theme for connoisseurship which has taken on the task of distinguishing authentic works from those by followers or copyists .
16 ‘ She made this a wonderful day for us and eased the pain tremendously . ’
17 The 1962 Planning Act upheld the right of any applicant to have their case heard at an oral hearing , but the 1976 Planning Act made this a discretionary matter for An Bord Pleanala to decide .
18 Although the unquestionable and striking originality , particularly of the last two buildings , made this a valid assessment in 1900 , Townsend never again produced anything of equal quality .
19 Although the Poles could have exercised a military option in the north just as they had done in Silesia , by this time their involvement in a war against the infant Soviet state , over territories and borders in the eastern provinces , made this a logistical impossibility .
20 The facilities for travellers and the ever present interest of the Inca remains made this an easy city to spend time in , but the darker side of Peru 's history had found its way into the present and thus highlighted the problems of fitting a comfortable tourist face on to a Third World country .
21 Hareven 's view is that economic circumstances have eased in the twentieth century , for most people , so that the alignment of individual time and family time has increasingly become a voluntary matter , whereas the stark economic conditions of the nineteenth century made this an absolute necessity ( Hareven , 1978 ) .
22 The Committee led by Michael Boyes , wish to thank all those who made this an enjoyable event and a great reunion ; as well as a financial success .
23 Then we almost enjoyed the Great Escape from Seve Ballesteros who followed Paul Azinger into the Mickey Mouse blue-dyed water which made this the greatest spectator show on earth …
24 Nothing of Remittance Man 's star quality contests the three mile one furlong event , but the presence of Sparkling Flame , Captain Dibble and Laundryman make this a cracking race .
25 With their glossy green aromatic leaves , two Choisya ternata shrubs either side of the seat make this a pleasant place to sit .
26 Acknowledged masters from James Joyce to William Trevor and other notables such as Edna O'Brien and John McGahern make this a first-rate introduction to Irish literature .
27 Nevertheless , the three separate loads offer much in the way of graphical excellence and make this a worthwhile purchase if found at a discount price .
28 Employers often insist that departing executives must sign a form supplied by ACAS and make this a fundamental condition of the whole deal .
29 Quickly stir fried long beans and silk squash make this a unique dish , good as a vegetarian main course or with meat .
30 Unfortunately , the clean/crunch and OD1/OD2 switching has to be done manually , and if this could be achieved via a footswitch it would in effect make this a four-channel combo with all the versatility which that implies .
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