Example sentences of "make [adv] [adj] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 There , a tired reminder of arrangements made sufficiently confusing by the first notice .
2 Only the rear pillar changed , having an external cover that lifted from the rear window surface to create a big air intake in order to ventilate the engine compartment , made extremely hot by the addition of the turbo .
3 The gym , in Navigation Road , therefore , bristles with specially designed work-out machines and facilities made easily accessible for the disabled .
4 The high level traverse from Kingshouse to Inveroran over Meall a'Mhuiridh , Clachlet and Stob Ghabhar , Stob Binnein and Ben More , and the Aonachs and Grey Corries , now made easily accessible by the Aonach Mor Gondola .
5 Such an assumption is perhaps made most explicit in the Beckford Report when it comments on the apparent failure of the area officer in the case to recognize the apparently obvious indications that he was dealing with a ‘ high risk ’ child abuse case when chairing the initial case conference : Clearly it is of concern if health and welfare professionals are unfamiliar with the relevant research and it is one of the aims of this chapter to contribute to that understanding .
6 Elsewhere , he was made acutely aware of the contrast between the colonial regency houses and the ugly jungle bungalows and villas .
7 As between two registrable charges which have not been registered within 21 days , the first to register will obtain priority and a charge is not void against a person taking an interest in property which is made expressly subject to the charge .
8 Seacontrol represents the first time on-board maintenance software has been made commercially available to the shipping industry by a marine coatings supplier .
9 Dennis 's last years as general secretary at the BMC — already personally unhappy for him because of his divorce — were made professionally difficult by the unprincipled , sustained and often personal vendetta conducted against him by the man termed , in this book 's account of the period , as ‘ the BMC 's tame Rottweiler ’ .
10 The first is to make sure that everyone who gets involved in the taking of someone else 's vehicle is made criminally liable for the consequences .
11 Christmas , for Phil Prior and for her young son , was made less painful by the kindness of her neighbours .
12 Although he was made exceedingly wealthy by the proceeds of Easy Rider , Hopper was still brooding and bitter , but life had taken several new turns for Nicholson .
13 The number of casualties near the reactor was less than might be expected because the radiation plume was made especially buoyant by the intense fire and so , like the effect of a tall industrial stack , local deposition of radionuclides was reduced whereas the long-range transport of radionuclides was enhanced .
14 In addition the church might consider placing paid advertisements from time to time , highlighting forthcoming events which could be made especially attractive to the outsider .
15 But Branson 's role as Oldfield 's manager was now made somewhat problematic by the musician 's recalcitrant attitude .
16 It seems quite reasonable to assume that , when a speaker is organising a ‘ speech paragraph ’ which has two connected elements as its foci , both elements can be made phonologically prominent in the introduction .
17 That the crass inversion of reality caricatured in these aspects of the popular image of Hitler was in large measure a product of the deliberate distortions of Nazi propaganda has been made abundantly clear in the preceding chapters .
18 It is partly because of the ease with which getting your ideas onto paper has been made so simple by the PC and word processor that extra care now has to accompany the typing of every paragraph .
19 In so far as the exercise of judgement by officials when applying rules to particular cases can never be made entirely unnecessary by the articulation of rules to fit all instances , the values of individual officials will affect the outcome of executive action .
20 The Council of Europe stayed its hand , and the Seventh Session of the Conference found that by making two small amendments to the service provisions of the 1905 text ( the definition of ‘ autorité compétente ’ in Article 2 , so as to include solicitors ; an addition to Article 3 providing for the supply of two copies of the document to be served ) the Hague text could be made entirely acceptable to the British Government .
21 Secondly , a simple flasher could be made entirely independent of the car 's electrical system thus being extremely quick and easy to install and requiring no modification of the existing vehicle 's wiring .
22 JE : Were you made painfully aware of the lack of interest of that first-night audience , made up of monarchs and dignitaries " commanded " to the performance as part of the Coronation celebrations ?
23 Afterwards , having made desperately light of the gaffe , I defensively hissed to Jack : ‘ Well , it 's not pronounced Botha is it ?
24 Much of the concern came from the black communities : in 1971 Bernard Coard , a black teacher , published an influential document entitled How the West Indian Child is made Educationally Sub-Normal in the British School , while Afro-Caribbean parents and local teachers in Redbridge , frustrated by the relative lack of research and support , conducted their own investigation and in 1978 published disturbing evidence on the school performance of black children .
25 Bernard Coard 's How the West Indian Child is made Educationally Sub-Normal in the British School System ( 1971 ) had already given concrete expression to many black parents ' justified fears that their children were being systematically mis-classified as educationally subnormal and relegated to a ‘ special ’ education which effectively excluded them from any possibility of acquiring decent qualifications .
26 This double characterisation was made more hilarious at the first performances when the bossy one was danced by Helpmann , and later the taller MacMillan , with wonderfully extended développés , and the shyer one by Ashton with dainty attempts to be correct at all costs .
27 Thus , whereas classicism 's image of human nature portrayed all human beings as being fully responsible for their own actions , Bentham saw criminals as having limited rationality and responsibility , but thought that they could be made more rational by the correct application of reformative techniques in his ‘ mill for grinding rogues honest ’ , as he called the Panopticon .
28 This will be made more complete with the help of archaeologists , architectural historians , furniture specialists , social historians and others .
29 Silence fell immediately , a silence only made more absolute by the sound of a distant cannon and by the gurgling of rainwater .
30 The implicit values in drama are made more explicit in the advertising that sponsors and accompanies the fiction .
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