Example sentences of "make [art] [adj] [noun sg] on " in BNC.

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1 His rebuke to the Congress , that " if this leadership is to succeed , it must have the men it wants " , effectively made the second vote on Yanayev a vote of confidence in Gorbachev , and Yanayev was then elected by 1,237 votes to 563 .
2 Anfield 's record-breaking striker is certain that neither Blackburn Rovers ' financial clout nor their present League position can ever console the Scot that he made the right decision on that dramatic day in February 1991 .
3 WHETHER it was Major , Kinnock or Ashdown who made the greatest impression on the viewers , we shall know on Friday morning .
4 Miss Gracie Fields was the visiting star whose War Bond show made the greatest impression on Canadian listeners .
5 But it was guarding the Japanese prisoners in Changi Jail that made the deepest impression on the 20-year-old sergeant from Billingham .
6 In spite of the more sophisticated pleasures of town life the period spent at Number Five made the greater impression on us and provided the picture of Lewis that we shall always retain .
7 Sylvia had been repeatedly rehearsing her chosen situation for twelve days so that , when she made the actual attempt on the thirteenth , her performance too might be perfect .
8 This issue made the front page on the Daily Mail as well as its editorial .
9 ( 2 ) The government of the FRG , acting in full agreement with the GDR , made the following declaration on Aug. 30 , 1990 , in Vienna at the Negotiations on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe [ CFE ] : " The government of the FRG undertakes to reduce the personnel strength of the armed forces of the united Germany to 370,000 ( ground , air and naval forces ) within three to four years .
10 Even after the US Third Army under Patton made the crucial breakthrough on 31 July , Eisenhower had no immediate plans to liberate Paris .
11 Better Schools , which made the definitive statement on this general review , discussed teacher appraisal in the context of the management of the teaching force .
12 That is to say , if one made the same measurement on a large number of similar systems , each of which started off in the same way , one would find that the result of the measurement would be A in a certain number of cases , B in a different number , and so on .
13 It is through prevention that Save The Children can make the greatest impact on life .
14 ‘ I 'll make the extra bread on Monday , then . ’
15 It is the profusion of flowers which make the first impression on visitors although fruit and vegetables are grown as well .
16 These committees make the final decision on publication , although we ask for almost every paper to be revised before publication .
17 The answers to such questions make the moral judgement on my work as an architect .
18 If the bulge is axisymmetric , lines of sight that make the same angle on either side of the centre will appear equally bright .
19 In addition to the third instalment on the Cuyp , the national gallery has made the first instalment on a Cranage painting .
20 I would like to think that the glamour and the inevitable aspects of artificiality in my job have never made the slightest impact on the way I live .
21 Perhaps no ballet has ever made the same impact on dancers and audience as Stravinsky 's Rite of Spring .
22 Can any conductor , though , be said to have made the same impact on recent musical history as that made by Bach or Beethoven or Wagner in the past ?
23 ‘ We 're saying that the plates had passengers on them and it is these pieces of flotsam and jetsam , not the crustal plates , that have made the most impact on land formation , ’ Blake says .
24 The University said tonight the governing body at Somerville had made no firm decision on admitting male students today .
25 The University said tonight the governing body at Somerville had made no firm decision on admitting male students today .
26 Er , Madam Speaker I 'm very much aware of the case that the my honourable friend has er mentioned because he has written to me er about it and I have looked into the circumstances er of it and I understand that the employment service have made no final decision on that particular site and I 'd be happy to respond to my honourable friend er once I 've had a chance to discuss it further with the Chief Executive of the employment service whose responsibility it is but if I could just say to my honourable friend the principle of integrating er the work of the job centre and the payment of benefits on one site is a good one which is for the convenience of er people who make use of the job centres er and er as er er the honourable er gentleman , the member for Workington is indicating from a sedentary position , was a recommendation which was supported by the public accounts er committee and I believe and I believe that it er makes sense to proceed on a value for money basis with this policy but I will certainly look at the particular example in my honourable friend 's constituency with interest .
27 Michael Pumfrey had spent part of his childhood in Cullbridge , though the existence of Burleigh School had made no particular impression on him at the time .
28 Øster wrote in the introduction to his paper that the publication of Gairdner 's article nearly 20 years earlier seemed to have made no significant impression on clinical practice .
29 The ANC secretary-general , Cyril Ramaphosa , said the government had made a major concession on the issue of devolution of power to regional governments .
30 Probably because it started the 1980s with a fleet of new 125mph HSTs which had made a major impact on its market , the East Coast main line was far better placed to withstand the rigours of the recession than its West Coast neighbour .
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