Example sentences of "make [art] [adj] [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 LEADING scorer Paul Wilkinson , who saw a move to Blackburn collapse last year , yesterday insisted : ‘ I made the right choice in joining Middlesbrough when I left Watford . ’
2 Baldwin knew of the development of Chamberlain 's view , and made the major mistake in the circumstances of proceeding with his plans for France and leaving Chamberlain in charge in London .
3 The government argued that the country 's economic crisis [ see below ] , coupled with the danger of being locked out of the future EC single market and the collapse of communist rule in eastern Europe , made the major shift in policy in favour of EC membership imperative .
4 Shottermill made the all-important break in the 35th minute .
5 Britain probably made the greatest contribution in literature and science , Germany certainly in music , while in the late nineteenth century , France dominated the world of painting .
6 The combination of spiritual , cultural , and economic influence at its disposal made the Russian Church in some ways better placed than its Western counterparts to resist the ambitions of the newly centralized State .
7 The bravery of men swimming ashore in these pioneer beach reconnaissances is beyond question , and knowing Norman Teacher as a friend , as well as being his CO , the Commander feels there is a strong probability that the young Lieutenant made the supreme sacrifice in swimming to his death rather than risking his capture , as others , too , may have done .
8 The right hon. Gentleman made the weakest speech in favour of a guillotine motion that I have ever heard from a Leader of the House and that is saying something .
9 The Lord President also made the following observation in relation to the consequences of sustaining the first ground , 1959 S.C .
10 On the morrow we added three mules ( and their muleteers ) : Llacen , a wizened old man , Hussein , a lively character , and young Omar , all tousled hair and grin , who made the entire trip in flip flops !
11 Alan Model , 35 , made the illegal stop in a town centre as he popped into a shop .
12 Scott and a team including Chris Bonington made the first ascent in 1977 ; on the rock ridge of Shivling East Pillar ; Greg Child belayed on Lobsang Spire in the Karakoram — another first ascent for Scott in 1983 .
13 Karajan 's response to Honegger 's Symphonie liturgique and its near contemporary , Strauss 's Metamorphosen , of which he made the first recording in 1947 , provides specifically musical evidence of Karajan 's priorities and allegiances that I have yet to see considered by those who have become so concerned to analyse and recycle often erroneous information about his alleged political sympathies before and during the Second World War .
14 I was there the night that Madame made the first move in what I now see was a careful campaign to prepare Boy for this romance or meeting .
15 It was Geoff Yeadon and Oliver Statham who made the first connection in the jigsaw , 12 years ago .
16 She made the first breach in my armourplating of male superiority .
17 He made the top score in the match , and his team won a unique tournament .
18 After a succession of jobs as bellhop , waiter , car-park attendant , like a bit-part actor who finally made the big time in this aquatic Hollywood , he has built a career out of surfing big waves .
19 In 1980 , Dirk Coetzee made the big time in the South African Security Police .
20 Those best placed to influence government policy were also most dependent on state patronage to further their military and civil careers , while the police and tax functions delegated to serf-owners made the whole class in one sense a part of the machinery of government .
21 The different budgets maintained by health and local authorities which made the desired shift in resources from health to social services difficult to organize .
22 James Sadler made the 21st ascent in a balloon on October 7 , 1811 and in doing so , became the first aeronaut to visit the Fenland region .
23 Interestingly enough , Bayezid II made the same stipulation in regard to the medrese attached to his mosque in Istanbul ( the medrese built probably in 912–13/1506–8 ) , namely that the Mufti of Istanbul should be the muderris .
24 Repton made the same point in his Sketches and Hints of 1794 : ‘ To improve the scenery of country and to display its native beauties with advantage is an art which originated in England . ’
25 I made the same point in the previous chapter but it may help if I give a concrete example .
26 and did n't realize that the A made the same sound in this word as it does in that .
27 In Diodorus ' account Gaius Gracchus " made the inferior element in the state supreme over their betters … and from these practices came fatal lawlessness and the overthrow of the state " ( 34.25 ) .
28 A 9,000 crowd had the satisfaction of seeing Tendulkar make the highest score in 22 years of Sunday League games against Lancashire .
29 Wee Mick ‘ Mick ’ Harris on drums and Deathmangle Robochef Sythnocomputer Mk IV , the evil little man who revolutionised Napalm Death and went on to help make the greatest record in the world ever ie ‘ Guts Of A Virgin ’ by Painkiller PLUS Justin out of Godflesh and ex-Napalm Death and Nick ‘ is obsessed with pain and death ’ Bullen .
30 It will compel B to let C make the legal claim in his name ; in the last resort it might allow C to take proceedings in Equity in his own name against A. Thus it came to be said that ‘ in Equity debts and choses in action are assignable ’ .
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