Example sentences of "make [art] [adj] [noun sg] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps H. G. Wells made the right choice when he cast octopus-like animals in the role of intelligent alien invaders in The War of the Worlds .
2 No sir , my job was then to pass over to Mr who made the ultimate decision as to what to do about the incident .
3 So far , Intergraph is more than satisfied that it made the correct decision when it selected Chameleon .
4 Shoe shop owner Nick Dando and his wife Melanie made the gruesome find while taking their daughters on a nature ramble in remote woodland .
5 Brunel made the broad gauge because he saw the advantage of stability , and making extra room for passengers
6 Suzanne made the public appearance after it was revealed she had complained to the Lord Chancellor about the incident at Newcastle Crown Court .
7 Mr Dixon , who is Labour 's deputy chief whip , said he made the public allegation because he was tired of Tory MPs using Commons Points of Order to accuse opposition MPs of misdemeanours .
8 But it made the national press because Arthur was up there and there was a bit of shouting and scuffling .
9 Again , the TUC General Council made the same accusation when it met the Beveridge Committee seventeen years later : F.H .
10 Malcolm Smith , who runs the noted Jencra herd at Stoke on Trent , paid 7,500gn for Jim Goldie 's 17-month-old Epatant son , Goldie 's Globetrotter , while the suitably named Goldie 's Goldmine , another by the same sire , made the same amount when it sold in a private deal to David Dick of Mains of Throsk , Stirling , and Archie McGregor , Allanfauld , Kilsyth , after being turned out of the ring unsold at 7,200gn .
11 One who did made the same point as many arts students :
12 Nye ( 1984 ) made the same point when he observed that the agenda for examining the power of US firms in the 1980s was little different from that of the early 1970s , despite the relative loss of US power .
13 The resistance of Ulster was also linked to its business roots with such slogans as " Industrial Ulster is united " or " They mean business " , and Law made the same point when he described in Norwich a recent meeting that he had addressed in the Ulster Hall :
14 Ripon Grammar made the easiest progress when Wensleydale scratched .
15 Mr Payne , 48 , a Mid Glamorgan paramedic , made the grim discovery when he was called to a two-car smash at Deri , near Bargoed .
16 An electrician made the grim discovery when he went into the loft at Milton Keynes , Bucks .
17 He will make a recommendation which goes back to the Department of the Environment , who will make the final decision as to whether the building should be listed .
18 So he knows — we know — we thought we knew , though of course we may be wrong — that you should n't make the same mistake as he did , going into acting . ’
19 I like to think I 've been helpful to somebody else , so that they do n't make the same mistake as I made , or so that they know the responsibilities they 're taking on if they do have the baby .
20 Can I make the same point as well please ?
21 The right hon. Member for Hertsmere blew the whistle on his colleagues when he disarmingly said that , when he privatised electricity , he would not make the same cock-up as they had done with British Telecom and British Gas .
22 In addition , it must always make the prescribed disclosure when it does business with private customers in the UK falling within the foreign business carve-out ( see page 41 above ) .
23 The firm must also make the prescribed disclosure if a non-UK office indicates to a private customer of that office outside the UK that the firm is a member of SFA .
24 It would appear , then , that since many of the facilitating devices listed in the previous section are not subject to prohibition ( information agreements are the only type of device that are ) , a move to a purely prohibition system would make the British system as helpless in the face of tacit collusion as the American .
25 The nearest human equivalent to purring is smiling , and we also make the same mistake when we say that a smiling man is a happy man .
26 In the end , they make the same decision as most others and decide to go ahead and have children , and to try to reconcile this with their material aspirations .
27 Based on the highly versatile and successful CH2 range the new instruments make the ideal choice when cost is the overriding factor .
28 As the car chugged down the M1 motorway I stopped cursing my bad luck and thought of how we could have made the first descent if only we had concentrated on the job in hand and not got the press involved or told so many people all about our daring endeavour .
29 The Pacific Basin became the world 's key trading arena — and as a result the world was forced to take much more notice of Pacific Island groupings that had barely made the global news since World War Two .
30 Imagine if your local electrical store allowed you to take a TV home for a month to sample its quality before parting with your money , you would be sure you had made the right decision before it cost you the earth .
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