Example sentences of "make [noun] for the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Having settled the principle , the partners must make provision for the actual event .
2 The terms and conditions should make provision for the following items .
3 The legislation made provision for the compulsory purchase of 5,500,000 hectares of predominantly white-owned land earmarked for redistribution to black families .
4 Given that the group is expected to have made profits for the current year , the net assets will be higher than at the last account date and as the company is being purchased on a multiple of earnings we should consider stripping out the excess assets .
5 The actions of my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister , when he was responsible for such matters , together with our recent announcement , have made arrangements for the coming winter much more generous .
6 I have made it clear that we have made decisions for the future structure of the Army that will result in a higher proportion of the Army overall being drawn from Scotland — I imagine that the hon. Gentleman will welcome that .
7 But , even when we have made allowance for the exaggerated impressions of a boy of fifteen , recollected many years later , it may be taken as evidence that Lanfranc and his handful of monks from Bec and Caen met not only with hostility , but also with a good deal of successful resistance .
8 Under the astute leadership of its general secretary , Bruce Kent , it made room for the various local and single-issue groups that were mushrooming around the country .
9 Anyone who has made the mistake of parking at harvest-time under the trees which line the Place Drouet d'Erlon in Reims , will realise that most of Champagne 's bird life return each night to this one street to rest and make room for the following day 's gorging of grapes .
10 They wanted to recover a wider , more comprehensive vision of the church , one which could include and make room for the different forms in which the church had appeared through history , and in this way to overcome the deeply entrenched divisions between the separated confessions and denominations .
11 Using the back of a knife , score a brick pattern into the sides of the towers and make indentations for the cross-shaped windows .
12 He even had a ready made foundation for the new bank — the Equivalent Company set up to administer the money and debentures paid to Scotland as a compensation for some pre-Union perfidy on the part on the English .
13 She visited the sick , made gifts for the poor , and ran bazaars to raise money for the church .
14 Edith qualified at the very first Medau Society Teachers ' Examination in 1955 , and carried on developing classes in Essex , all the time making openings for the new teachers who were beginning to emerge .
15 At the annual congress of the CGIL in Rimini on Oct. 22-26 the federation 's reformist secretary-general Bruno Trentin , fighting off challenges both from a current linked to the Socialist Party ( PSI ) and from the old-style communists , claimed that rather than " making demands for the working class " the CGIL would now be " the union of solidarity and of the rights of pensioners , the disabled , immigrants , women and the marginalized " .
16 As the train approached Wolverhampton , Powell the historian told me about the foundation of the town in the 10th century and how it grew to prosperity making weapons for the Civil War .
17 Increasingly frustrated , he walked out in 1974 to help found Newsreel , an independent collective making films for the Labour movement .
18 We intend making arrangements for the safe keeping of such material in a room which will not be affected .
19 Their successors , the Bronze Age miners , regularly rounded off a busy day 's metalworking ( which included making hoops for the new fangled wooden casks and vats ) with stimulating liquors brewed in splendid bronze cauldrons and quaffed from decorated pottery beakers …
20 And wherever there was a suggestion of a space there would be a craftsman bent over his work : a weaver over his loom , a metal-worker crouched over a dish of grey ash fanning a lump of live charcoal in its midst with a blowpipe , a basket-worker holding what he was making with his toes so as to leave his hands free , a turner doing his turning with a little bow which might have been used to shoot arrows , the man making pegs for the ornate wooden windows .
21 Older vintages would be scrapped more quickly , making space for the new in both labour and product markets .
22 Other industry arrived , notably the Dinsdale Steel and Wire Works in 1882 making bits for the new-fangled telephone and telegram .
23 Jackson recently sat down and listened through his collected works , prior to making selections for the current live show , and found the thread wearing a little thin in places .
24 Making allowances for the natural exaggeration of this kind of mind and the rather stereotyped language , does that sound to you like Jenny Connon ? ’
25 A quarter of a century since the first Star Trek , these oldies are making way for the New Generation .
26 By that time , scholars in various countries were throwing new light on the composer 's music , life and times , providing performers with new insights — and also making way for the populist boom that began with Peter Shaffer 's play and film ‘ Amadeus ’ .
27 A JOINER who claimed he contracted the lung disease asbestosis while making doors for the Clyde-built liner QE II has been awarded £43,000 by a judge .
28 At an earlier hearing , Mr McKenzie had told the judge that he had been employed in making doors for the transatlantic liner .
29 The examinations , tailored to be selective , make no concession to this , nor do they make allowance for the wide range of academic ability and preparedness among the candidates .
30 The Great Northern Hotel may make way for the new concourse but its loss will compensated for by the refurbishment of the grade one-listed St Pancras Hotel .
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