Example sentences of "make [noun] for [art] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Admittedly , the draft legislation made provision for a more demanding sort of primary education in parts of the country which expressed a desire for it , but the likelihood of this superior version taking root was small in view of the poverty of the peasants who would have to pay for it .
2 In an era when the commercial opportunities now open to leading players often become a bigger issue that the game itself , the recent actions of the USA Eagles make news for an entirely different reason .
3 The earlier version of English at Nottingham as " elegant dabbling in belles-lettres " stiffened by Anglo Saxon and philology , now made way for a more Leavisian model : " My conception of what a School of English should be was considerably clarified by my reading of Dr. Leavis " notable essay entitled " A Sketch for an English School " in his Education and the University . "
4 First Casares Quiroga , who had fatally underestimated the seriousness of what he called an ‘ absurd plot ’ and refused to arm the workers , panicked and made way for the more conservative Martínez Barrio .
5 Organised by the Italian Ministero per i Beni Culturali , the Soprintendenza Archeologica of Pompeii and IBM , the aim of ‘ Rediscovering Pompeii ’ is not to make money for the deplorably underfunded administration of Pompeii itself .
6 Some used this expertise to work in the private sector as consultants advising on urban policy ; in one case a firm that employed no Black people was selected for its ‘ inner city expertise ’ to evaluate the Handsworth Task Force in inner Birmingham which it had previously also been paid to advise but which was now being shut down to make room for a newly fashionable Urban Development Corporation , this time in the Birmingham Heartlands ( sic ) .
7 Krenz 's programme of measures may have to make way for a more revolutionary alternative — and Krenz too .
8 MDU leader Dzorig told supporters at a rally that eliminating the MPRP 's monopoly of power from the Constitution was not enough and demanded that the Hural , of which 93.4 per cent of the deputies were MPRP members , be dissolved to make way for a democratically elected legislature .
9 We asked the Secretary-General to make recommendations for a more effective role for the United Nations as peacekeeper and as peacemaker .
10 To illuminate the ‘ software crisis ’ from an analysis of the organisation of the work systems developers and to seek to make recommendations for the more effective management of distributed system development teams .
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