Example sentences of "make [noun] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 On Viola 's approach down the hall , Hilda turned up the gas and made preparation for a hasty departure , but this , it seemed , was not the idea .
2 The County Council also accepted as part of this oral approach that there was a need for an alteration to the structure plan , because the approved structure plan did not make provision for a new settlement as an element of approved North Yorkshire strategic policy , and we 've progressed that erm alteration through to the examination er in public er today .
3 These independent structures are then transformed to dependent ones : " After she had swept the room " , etc. , and made part of a complex sentence .
4 From there they proceeded to the Jebel mountains and made camp in a pleasant area of trees and plentiful water .
5 The accord made provision for a new prime minister and a " national consensus Cabinet " to negotiate with the OAS for the lifting of sanctions .
6 In its original form the Bill made provision for a single ballot , the decision resting on a simple majority of those voting .
7 As for the industry 's registered dock labour force , the Government made provision for a three year redundancy scheme , jointly financed by the Government and the employer of any dockers who were ‘ surplus to requirements ’ .
8 The agreement ( i ) conferred land rights on ethnic Indians living in the eastern Amazonian department of Beni , covering the Isiboro Sécure el Iviato National Park and 170,000 hectares of the central forest of Chimanes ; ( ii ) established that a multiparty commission would be set up , composed of government and indigenous Indian representatives and others from " respectable institutions " , to draft a new Law for Indigenous Indians of the East and Amazonia ; ( iii ) established that timber merchants in the central Chimanes forest had to end their operations by Oct. 31 , 1990 , when contracts to cut timber would not be renewed ; and ( iv ) made provision for a further multiparty commission to be set up to police the agreement .
9 Apart from the Yuruk , there are no truly nomadic weavers in Anatolia , although a number of groups ( Tashpinar , Yahyali and Yagcibedir , etc ) are still essentially tribal and make rugs with a strong nomadic appearance and character .
10 We made demands for a cheap canteen on the site , for nurseries and better maternity provisions .
11 But even Christians of a more liberal variety must necessarily make reference to a past age .
12 After his own death the Daily Sketch made reference to a large three-quarter-length self-portrait which Minton painted this year and which he afterwards destroyed .
13 Wide crinolines brushed against the grass and men in fine suits made bids with a raised finger or a simple nod of the head .
14 And the examiner was arrested only after he made passes at a military policeman 's wife .
15 If reclaimed land is to be made part of a living landscape it is not enough simply to plant vegetation on it .
16 But the charge that sterling policy was the main cause of the British predicament is more difficult to sustain , even if it is made part of a vicious circle of poor performance .
17 The emancipation of the poor and oppressed is thus made part of a civilizing process , which is often seen to be conditional on assimilating their demands to the discourses of humanism and rationalism .
18 Being a Silver Jubilee , passengers were serenaded by the Eccleston Silver Band as they rode behind four steam locomotives in a range of stock from our own home made coach to a Welsh coach from our No. 1 steam engine 's home of Llanberis to the diminutive but delightful Groudle Glen coach from the Isle of Man .
19 Unless specifically agreed by us in writing at the time you make your booking , we can not accept any booking which is made conditional upon a special request being satisfied .
20 Unless specifically agreed at the time of making your booking , we can not accept any reservation which is made conditional upon a Special Request being satisfied .
21 One spokesman initially described the plants as ‘ surplus to requirements ’ , only to be contradicted by another — IBM Europe has made noises about a 12-month period in which the plants have to prove profitability , while others deny that there is any particular timescale .
22 When Peter was made curate in a northern suburb of Bristol , Anna celebrated the event by becoming pregnant .
23 Have YOU made arrangements for a new class yet ? ? ?
24 Attempts to demonstrate acquired distinctiveness have , therefore , usually made use of a two-stage procedure in which the effects of an initial stage of discrimination training are assessed in some form of transfer test , often one that requires the learning of a further discrimination .
25 All the experiments discussed so far have made use of a two-stage procedure — an initial phase of discrimination training intended to render the cues distinctive , followed by a test in which the nature of the task is changed but which still requires discrimination between these same cues .
26 Following reports in the Washington Times Paul Balach , a White House political liaison officer for the Labour Secretary , resigned on June 30 , 1989 , acknowledging that he had made use of a homosexual escort service .
27 Modest ( 1984 ) also made use of a no-arbitrage condition to test the effects of marking to the market in the presence of stochastic interest rates on the prices of index futures .
28 George Walker , founder and big wheel of the Brent Walker empire , has made use of a refinancing package to save the leisure-based company , but there are rumours that Brent Walker might also have to sell off assets .
29 At Cedars Mrs Singh had instantly made friends with a young Asian woman ( wearing trousers and a shirt ) with a little girl who was evidently a year older than Balbinder .
30 The interior is pretty with ‘ cottagey ’ wallpapers , interesting black and white prints , locally made furniture including a unique solid yew four-poster bed in the honeymoon suite .
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