Example sentences of "get on [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Leaving Sagaing for our return journey by boat to Prome we got on to a sandbank and had to wait there until two tugs pulled us off .
2 ‘ I got on to a friend in Civitavecchia who seems to think that some mate of his saw Jeff this morning down at the harbour . ’
3 Well George got on with a lot of people like that but of course , he was a Mason you see .
4 When he got on as a substitute against Sweden he was first class ; in Albania he was one of our best players . ’
5 English-born , actually , and we got on like a house on fire .
6 They got on like a house on fire and did n't stop talking afterwards — it was Julian and Robert who wound each other up .
7 We got on like a house on fire .
8 Gav and my Aunt Janice got on like a house on fire , a combined location and fate I occasionally wished on them as I lay awake listening to the sounds of their love-making , a pastime I sometimes suspected I shared with people in a large part of the surrounding community , not to say northern Europe .
9 It was almost as small as the circle of names and acquaintances of the average senior civil servant , and was reduced further by the fact that once they had got on to a board , many businessmen rapidly came to resent the amount of time the job demanded .
10 Sitting in the dreary Independence Hotel in Tehran late at night , McFarlane fuming in his room , the rest of the party had got on to a conversation about radars .
11 But we had got on to a subject I do happen to know something about .
12 Over the last seven months , Lawrence has quietly got on with a rebuilding job at Ayresome Park .
13 ‘ You 'd both have got on like a house on fire .
14 Gooch 's men must accept their lot and get on with a job for which they are being paid around £20,000 a man .
15 ‘ It 's like you get on to a list , ’ he suggests with a smile .
16 The delicacy of the situation , with their parents and often their grandparents there and everything ( as in a thwarted erotic dream ) , would hardly explain the lack of visual stimulation ; and I get on like a house on fire with the girls in the officers ' bordello .
17 Selina and I get on like a house on fire .
18 We get on like a house on fire — now we no longer live together .
19 ‘ How 's she getting on without a farm manager ? ’ the old maltster asked the younger men .
20 So just turning away and getting on with a job is the most effective response .
21 The mother also agreed to place a small plate of Ben 's favourite food ( chunks of cheese and pieces of apple ) in front of him at meal-times but then not to watch him eat by getting on with a job in the kitchen .
22 Twenty-four hours after training , there was getting on for a sixty-per-cent increase in the numbers of spines to be found on the dendrites in the left IMHV ( but almost no effect in the right ) .
23 I smoked for twenty seven years , and erm I 'm getting on to a year now since I stopped smoking and I feel a lot calmer , I hated being a victim to cigarettes !
24 Getting on to a YTS course had changed many young people 's lives .
25 If you are getting on to a diet which involves being very restricted for choice , and in some cases , missing out meals altogether , you are perfectly normal if you find it difficult to stick to this in the long term .
26 But then , having exhausted his recollections of the circumstances of his writing the paper , he switched to more personal matters and enquired carefully how I was getting on in a way that made me reel that my mission had been worthwhile and that I had by no means wasted his morning .
27 I could get on with a man like that .
28 ‘ When you needed an extra pair of hands in a hurry so that you could get on with a job , Roger was always the first to drop what he was doing and help you . ’
29 Erm for another reasons , which we shall get on to a bit later , there may be a great deal of confusion , er memories may not be clear or well formed , um people , according to some theories and ideas , people may be under-reporting because um y'know it helps them maintain their eq equilibrium a bit better .
30 I want to leave by about ten tomorrow so I 'll get on to a garage first thing in the morning and hope they can fix my car straight away . ’
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