Example sentences of "get him [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He had a manual of casual jobs — things like grape-picking , which had got him through the summer .
2 The poll tax has been an outstanding success for the right hon. Member for Wirral , West ( Mr. Hunt ) — it has got him into the Cabinet .
3 But , feeling glad to have got him off the subject of how apparently her virginal innocence did not tie up with her being a married woman , ‘ Well , if you do n't mind , I 'll just collect my car and head back to England , and — ’
4 Got him on the run .
5 I think that i i i I do n't , I 'd I I reckon they 've got him on the kidnapping charge .
6 In Paris itself , his priority , thanks to Schellenberg , had got him on the Berlin Express , but B17 bombers of the American 8th Air Force operating out of England had inflicted severe damage on the Frankfurt railway marshalling yards .
7 Oh I 've got him on the tape
8 Its endemic pessimism had got him by the balls and left him beached and burned out by his late twenties , unemployed , unskilled and unloved by all but his widowed mother .
9 It 's conclusive , we 've got him in the area , the timing 's right .
10 ‘ We heard that you 've even got him in the house . ’
11 It did n't hurt that much , but he pretended she 'd got him in the balls , hoping for a little wifely penitence .
12 it 's like sort of a guy comes into lectures and , and , and he can be , particularly when talking about things like racism and disability , be quite liberal as it were , you know , and that kind of when you get him down the pub all on his own er a quite different repertoire comes out so er
13 Get him on the phone . ’
14 Come on you lot you know where he is get him on the phone I want to talk to him .
15 Get him on the radio , ’ I say .
16 Get him on the line ; I 'll be in my room . ’
17 ‘ I ca n't really answer that until we see what we find when we get him on the table .
18 Get him to the phone , darling . ’
19 Get him to the phone now . ’
20 ‘ Please get him to the phone now . ’
21 The sooner you get him to the vet , the better .
22 Sometimes he 's so determined he 's not going to go that we have to forcibly put him out of the door and get him into the car and get him there somehow .
23 One irate Charlton official barked over the telephone : ‘ Get him off the pitch .
24 Get him off the carpet !
25 So the best thing is , is get him by the scruff of the neck and ask him what 's he gon na do about them things that you fell over twice !
26 Get him in the back seat .
27 But Blain-Thomson will be able to tell you more then he gets him on the table .
28 ‘ What about getting him through the sump ?
29 I keep getting him on the phone , I already know .
30 And he blamed another girl for getting him into the drugs scene .
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