Example sentences of "get up and [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 in this place who have got up and done a day 's work before they 've come here !
2 Yeah , twenty five says when once the householder has got up and locked the door and you start to stand outside and knock at the door saying sir open to us , but in answer he will say to you , I do not know where you are from , then you will start saying we ate and drank in front of you and we 've taught in our broad ways , but he will speak and say to you , I do not know where you are from , get away from me you are workers of unrighteousness
3 At some point he must have got up and opened the window .
4 He got up and put the light on , shivering .
5 Sikes got up and locked the door .
6 Billy looked gloomy and his friend got up and collected the empty mugs .
7 Rachaela got up and fed the baby .
8 Pascoe got up and checked the lock on the door .
9 She got up and checked the wardrobes , and her bemusement became sheer bewilderment .
10 We lay there silently , then he got up and left the room , leaving me lying there in an agony of frustration and guilt , furious with myself for having given way , yet curiously glad I had finally done so .
11 In these scenes an unknown actress , impersonating Harlow 's voice , speaks the lines with her back to the camera or with her face hidden by a wide-brimmed hat ; at the sight of this , Boy simply got up and left the living room , left the end of the film unwatched and just sat in the kitchen with a pot of tea .
12 Nonetheless , he and the broth ate their pudding and then , pushing their chairs back , got up and left the two youngest to do the dishes .
13 Edward appeared to think hard for a few moments and then got up and left the room abruptly .
14 ‘ I 'm going outside for a fag , ’ said the purple girl , She got up and left the hall .
15 Then , gulping down the remains of his cup of tea , he got up and left the table .
16 Without prolonging the agony for them both any longer she got up and left the room .
17 She got up and left the room .
18 But on Thursday night she sat in her chair , the pain-lines deep in her face , and presently Ruth got up and filled the kettle .
19 I got up and sprinted the 150 yards or so .
20 She got up and made a cup of tea , sitting by her bed to drink it , her face pale and set .
21 As the fire burnt down , the duergar got up and took a log lying to the right of the fire and placed it amongst the embers .
22 I got up and took the pudding plates into the kitchen .
23 Then I got up and took the two rugs by their corners and dragged them outside the door .
24 sat around a little bit , got up and had a walk , find a
25 At the hearing Randolph 's counsel , Mr Fearnley-Whittingstall QC ( a well-known right-wing lawyer , who also acted for the defendants in the Spectator libel case ) , got up and delivered a long and passionate address about the iniquity of what had happened .
26 Fosdyke got up and cleared the pudding plates , stacking them also on top of the video .
27 Nursie got up and drew the curtains .
28 I got up and drained the rest of the wineskin .
29 Lewis got up and pulled the curtains across with a pettish jerk of his hands .
30 The Brigade Major got up and opened the door .
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