Example sentences of "get [adv prt] [art] [noun sg] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 A D-V flashed across , firing and missing ; Richards got off a burst and saw his bullets rip open the fuselage .
2 we , we 've only just got out the bath and then she says come on hurry up now
3 We got up every morning and went to our routine , boring and badly-paid jobs , some of us hoping , some of us dreading the advent of Mr Right : he who would relieve us from , God forbid , the tedium of having to rely on each other for company , comfort , support and stimulation .
4 Get over the rail and wait on the props .
5 They had just strength to drop their bikes , get over the stile and fall under the hedge .
6 Switch to wavy bullets and go left , get over the blocker and jump up to shoot the fat creature .
7 At Richmond a lot of people get off the train and I take refuge in a Smoking compartment where the heat is not on .
8 He could n't hear anything , but he could see his father covered in pollen and then he had watched the actress get off the train and a lot of kissing and hugging , and everyone behaving the way theatre people always did behave .
9 " Mr. James Christie intimated to the Meeting that he would move at next meeting that the Members get up a Flower and Vegetable Show sometime during this season . "
10 Get out the pen and paper again and make a list of all the jobs you have to do , from mucking out and turning out to feeding and preparing haynets .
11 Then when he stops , get out the car and grab him by the neck then throw then I .
12 So get out the camera and start shooting because fish photography is fun .
13 I keep getting out the video and watching it .
14 He got out a cheque-book and wrote a cheque .
15 I got out a handkerchief and began to wipe it off .
16 He got out a handkerchief and wiped his hands .
17 I did go out with one of me mates once and he was going burgling and I needed to do one 'cos I had no money or nothing , strung out , and he went to the Old Hall Estate and broke into a house and I got in through the window with him and I just looked around and saw all these photographs of , y'know like , the family that lived there with the kids and that and I just got this horrible feeling , so I just got out the window and walked away , even though I was strung out and I did n't pick nothing up , I just left him to it ‘ cos , like , though all the burglaries I 'd done , they 'd all been shops .
18 Then he changed , he got out the chess-board and we played chess and he let me beat him .
19 Fish done , spuds on , she got out the asparagus and found they were plastic !
20 Gareth broke his leg while he was clearing snow in 1982 and the milk from the herd of Guernseys could not be got away , so Rachel got out the separator and sold cream locally .
21 She looked at me and put her finger to her lips , then got out the broom and began to sweep up the crumbs .
22 He got out the 1-iron and drilled the ball low all the way round .
23 Everyone said I was playing when I got out the clay or plasticine , but really I was training myself without knowing it .
24 So I got out the car and I went over and I , turned it down , as it were turning down I saw it was n't pouring just out the tap , it was also pouring from the
25 Yeah , I said yeah I am , I said I 'm gon na drive up and see , so we got in , went up to Wendy 's , you could n't see through the door Pen , Penny and Kev said well we 'll drive round as well , I said well she 's had us up and down , cos one minute she was quite strong then the next she could n't cope , I said Wendy all I want you to ever know is that I 'm there , if ever you want me phone me , I do n't care whether it 's middle of the night , middle of the morning or whatever , so she says alright , anyway Penny went up , she said she could n't see anything she thinks she 's gone a bed and then me and Rudy went up , it must have been quarter to one cos I took him for a little walk and I got out the car and walked round the back and then , I could see her curtains were open and I could see a light on , so I went round the front and I shouted through the letter box , Wen it 's only me I 've come to wish you a happy new year , let's hope next year will be better than this one and she come to the door and she was broken hearted
26 Well Les says er when we got out the car and you went he says bloody hell that uses some juice do n't it ?
27 Hussa got out the della and began to pour coffee .
28 ‘ But I overhear people 's conversations , and sometimes I 'll get off a bus and follow them if I 'm interested ; or I 'll stand beside people pretending to be looking at something or reading , but actually listening to them .
29 He felt that he knew the English character and , although he would n't hurt Ludovico by articulating it , he was sure that the sort of English girl who would get off a train and move in with a stranger would very soon be travelling on .
30 The God who had made him get off the trike and stand still at the side of the grassily banked hill .
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