Example sentences of "get [vb pp] out [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 For instance , an awful lot of breasts got painted out in the nineteenth century .
2 We got squeezed out of the middle . ’
3 But if I ever got caught out with the big guy in the skull mask and the big axe thing then I 'd probably ask to end up coming back as my son because he 'd have my amazing charm , dazzling character , obscene talent ( ? — Ed ) , and chiselled good looks ! ( and gift for talking utter bullshine ! — Ed ) .
4 Did they ever mention to you or your father that they in fact got caught out by the weather ?
5 Waldron Buffaloes had played a marathon the night before , finally got squeezed out by the L.A. boys .
6 Junior scrabble for Sarah and er I do n't know about the two boys I do n't what we 've got sorted out for the boys .
7 words , some future researched , that the printer here , missed that bit , you know , she should have said , and her mother 's name , but her mother 's got missed out on the proofs or something , I do n't , this is the kind of thing that happens , of course .
8 Got hosed out by the council this morning .
9 Back in November , Mr Bush got a rude shock when his ‘ Energy Strategy ’ ( which amounted to little more than building a few more nuclear reactors and opening up every remaining square inch of Alaska to further oil exploration ) got kicked out by the Senate .
10 BREAKFAST listeners were left in silence when two radio presenters nipped off for a coffee during the news — and got locked out of the studio .
11 The caption said ‘ Even the best white water rafters in the world get caught out by the fierce rapids of the River Coruh . ’
12 Very often when people are under stress these very important relaxing activities get squeezed out of the weekly timetable .
13 It gets parcelled out among the society he moves in , or rather flits in and out of , while himself belonging elsewhere , which means nowhere .
14 ‘ On the continent , if managers do that they get kicked out by the players . ’
15 JOCKEY Jeff Lloyd gets kicked out of the saddle this week-end — but it 's all in the rules of the game .
16 It 's a strangely riveting spectacle , but just in case your eyes get poked out in the moshpit , they 've got a quite daring array of slightly goth-laced nagging pop tunes , pinned by means of twiddly guitar hooks and belting choruses to that corner of your brain which is exclusively reserved for tunes to whistle in the supermarket queue .
17 They 're trying to arrange a ‘ mutually convenient ’ date ( and in the back of their minds they also want it to still be on sky … so unless we both get knocked out of the FA cup this weekend ( perish the thought ) we 'll probably end up playing a saturday and the following monday if moneygrabber silver is owt to do with it .
18 Records get knocked out in the studio hastily , emerge knock-kneed , spindly , pallid and monochrome .
19 For the irony is , in a society like ours apparently dedicated to ‘ law and order ’ and having a penal policy based largely on deterrent principles , it appears that corporate crime somehow gets left out of the arena of legal and social control .
20 But make sure , you know , you well you take over the house , so we know what 's in them in case they get thrown out with the bloody rubbish !
21 This is not the same as ‘ force-feeding ’ doctrine ; one can sympathise with Jayne Greenwell 's reservations , but we should be careful what gets thrown out with the bathwater .
22 As Peter Medawar pointed out many years ago in his classic essay Is the scientific paper a fraud ? these essential elements in how research is done get refined out from the account as it appears in the finally published papers or scientific reviews , just as they have largely , though not entirely , been filtered from the discussion of Aplysia and LTP in the last chapter .
23 I 'd love to make a black version , in which some kids from South Central LA , who get bussed out to the Sand Fernando Valley ( affluent LA suburb ) , decide not to go to class and start tramping around Fernando doing what they did in that movie .
24 Women very quickly got left out of the picture and it was a very conservative state that took over .
25 One way or another , drama got left out in the cold .
26 ‘ Luke got thrown out of the play and never appeared on the school stage again . ’
27 ROBBIE When it all happened , when I got thrown out of the school , he said he 'd never wanted to adopt anyway , it was my mother 's idea , not his , it was to make her happy .
28 There consul in Rome came up on an official visit and there was nearly a diplomatic incident when he got thrown out of the new university canteen he come to expect .
29 ‘ We also played badly in two one-day games and got knocked out of the NatWest and B&H as a result . ’
30 If I remember rightly , it all started going wrong with Cantona and Leeds after we got knocked out of the European Cup .
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