Example sentences of "so if you [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 So if you increase the amount of oxygen present , what happens then ?
2 So if you lose the chance of a job because of a mistakenly critical reference , it is worth considering whether there is anything to be gained from taking legal action .
3 Amaretto liqueur is an Italian almond-flavoured liqueur , so if you like the taste of almonds and Italian amaretti biscuits you 're sure to love it .
4 So if you like the look of this guitar turn to page 114 and check out the simple competition I 've devised .
5 So if you like the that pension plus the the widow 's or widower 's would equate to your pension .
6 So if you like the first quarter will probable it 'll be pro rata that 's going to be less because it 's it 's only part of .
7 So if you know the graph of Y equals X squared which unfortunately I ca n't draw tonight it 's draw it for you , could draw it from the inside keep telling everyone else .
8 Declarer is marked with at least ace-king to five — or more likely six — in diamonds , and so if you cover the jack with the queen declarer will win with a top honour and West 's discard will make your ten the subject of a marked finesse on the second round .
9 And so if you use the whatever what is it you wanted to use in yours ?
10 So if you curse the moon , the spirit of Hasan reappears and bumps you off ! ’
11 So if you hate the theory so much , how come you 're so boned up on it ?
12 So if you had the chance you 'd have stayed there ?
13 Yes , that 's right so if you copy the formula then they erm the G will always stay as a G no matter where you copy it to , but if you copy the formula to another row you copy it from the cell below then the three becomes a four and er this one ?
14 So if you calculate the sine of a hundred of forty degrees now and leave it in the calculator .
15 Right so if you put the number in front , it 's as though you 've got brackets around the whole lot .
16 So if you put the scores up first then we 'll do some , have some discussion about what they mean .
17 So if you put the Ts back , if you put the tab sign back on it brings all those vitamin Cs , fibres and fats up as well
18 So if you take the first one immediately before you go to bed , if your blood pressure does go down rather a lot , it does n't matter cos you 're lying down , you 'll
19 I mean it is it is genuinely part of the definition but the definition they had originally has got stretched and stretched so now it it does n't there 's no obvious tie up with oxidation , meaning burning and taking up oxygen , and reduction is the of opposite , so if you get the oxygen out or you put hydrogen in or where it gains electrons .
20 So if you learn the words this way thinking well do I know a word that 's a bit like it and could I add a bit onto the end that 's another way another good way of learning cos you do n't have to learn class and classical and classic you just sort of learn one of them .
21 Okay so if you find the tan of forty degrees .
22 So if you see the label that 's what you should get .
23 So if you do the same thing with a D.
24 So if you do the same on that one , and then differentiate it .
25 So if you press the escape key we 'll go back to the data processing environment , right .
26 Okay , so if you press the escape key , once you 've had a look at the data , er if you log all the other variables er if you let L N I equal log open brackets I close brackets let L N P equal log open brackets P close brackets , press the return key .
27 If you then er , it will then ask you over what period do you want to right so if you press the end key that will submit the job erm it asks for the sample period , we 're going to use the whole of the sample , so if you just press the return key , that 's the default for the whole of the sample , right , it then asks you what procedure you want to use to estimate the model , we 're going to use O L S option one , just press the return key O L S then the computer has estimated the model , right .
28 So if you press the return key right , we just get a whole list of diagnostic test statistics that we wo n't look at at the moment , press the return key again , come to the post regression menu , you go into option three which is a list plot option .
29 Right , so what we 're going to do is create a dummy variable to test that hypothesis , right , so if you press the escape key , right , and work your way back towards erm the data processing sort of environment , so go back to the post regression menu through the backtracking menu erm , when you 're in the backtracking menu , go to option six , which is the process plot edit option right , now press the return key in the data processing menu , right , and that will get you to the data processing environment when we can start messing about with our variables .
30 It is fairly simple to differentiate the elliptic integrals ( see p. 49 of Jahnke-Emde-Losch , for the formulae ) so if you have the patience derive the magnetic field from the vector potential of Example 3.9 and determine its value for the data given there .
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