Example sentences of "there must [verb] been a " in BNC.

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1 I 'm coming up a hill near some kind of huge church or cathedral — there must 've been a service or a concert going on because people are pouring out — one of them 's singing a high trill and her boyfriend 's cross : ‘ Please , Miranda !
2 There must 've been a little bit of snow
3 There must have been a push . ’
4 There must have been a leak .
5 The entire kitchen ( there must have been a brigade of 50 where one would expect more like 12 ) , belongs to some turn-of-the-century grand Parisian establishment , but strangely there was only one washer-upper .
6 There must have been a draught because I wrapped my coat around my knees .
7 I started right in by saying there must have been a bit of a misunderstanding .
8 There must have been a time before Fenna , just as there must have been a time before words , but Maggie can not not conceive of either .
9 There must have been a time before Fenna , just as there must have been a time before words , but Maggie can not not conceive of either .
10 But company executives accept that there must have been a leak as they put together a financing package to back their bid for Dixons .
11 There must have been a veritable orchard flourishing in her wake , which could account for the sudden urge to build an orangery among the nobbery .
12 In each case there must have been a scientist employed .
13 Similarly Fawn Hall , asked by North to alter memoranda to conceal his work for the contras , remembered feeling uneasy : ‘ but I believe in Colonel North , and I know that there must have been a good reason why he was asking me to do this , and I — I did as I was told . ’
14 There must have been a dozen rotundas , each displaying blow-ups of contemporary newspaper clippings , photographs , posters , etc .
15 Reference to pre-Chelsea days are rare , but Miller described in the Dictionary how he grew Monthly Roses ( the Autumn Damask ) in his original Southwark Nursery ; under glass against a warm wall , ‘ using dung placed against its backside , as practised by raising early fruits ’ , to produce roses in February , for which there must have been a ready market .
16 There must have been a better breeze there .
17 There must have been a suspicion that under the control of these Authorities only left-wing teachers need apply for jobs , and that money that might have been spent on education was being spent elsewhere ; for example , on supporting lesbian or ‘ gay ’ groups .
18 ‘ Quick , out with that ladder , ’ said Ryan , ‘ there must have been a balls-up . ’
19 I went calmly enough , but there must have been a suspicion of the trepidation that inevitably invests us at the sight of a hospital and the thought of entering it .
20 There must have been a time when each of these practices ceased to be tolerable and reasonable behaviour .
21 I 'm not suggesting that legislators woke up one morning and said : ‘ We must abolish slavery ! ’ or ‘ Bear baiting must cease ! ’ , but for the position to have changed from tacit acceptance to wholesale condemnation , there must have been a fulcrum point when the arguments tipped decidedly in one direction .
22 There must have been a good reason for the same method was also in use at other coach works .
23 There must have been a proportion of shy , bashful ones around , but they were not in evidence amongst the mob which harassed us day by day as we tried to make our way around the town on our own affairs .
24 For example , his eyes were necessary for the finding of food and the locating of enemies , to name but two of many purely necessary functions , but there must have been a time when he first began to enjoy the visual beauty all around him .
25 There must have been a succession of road and track layouts over the years , so it would be fortunate indeed if even part of the original network had survived .
26 There must have been a hundred of them — three flocks together — scrabbling over the stones , stretching out their necks and bleating .
27 There must have been a clear indication on the outside that there was a fox on the inside !
28 There must have been a reason for it , like not wanting anyone to know what was being carried aboard Titron . ’
29 There must have been a cosiness to the street once , but now there was such a sense of decay that Jack could almost smell it .
30 She had , after all , a wedding ring on her finger , so there must have been a Mr Salt .
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