Example sentences of "there 's a [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 That , that 's a sensible kind of conclusion to draw and perhaps this would meet Kirsty 's point as well , because the what you might be tempted to say is look erm , in our cultures we have , we have absorbed from our cultures ways of seeing the world , bits about history and things restructure our thoughts and even when we try and do something new , I 'd say let's have a revolution everybody , put up your barricades , you know , actually we had some great fun in the sixties with that erm the , when this happens there 's a tendency to nevertheless do it in the traditional way , in other words although obviously the sixty eight revolution was about a completely different issue than the seventeen ninety eight revolution , it was very much later in history .
2 There is a range of 12 sizes , meaning there 's a suit to accurately fit almost everyone .
3 There 's a corollary to th that was is our impression , from the various views that were sp s spelt out around the table .
4 There 's a twist to it , it
5 there 's a twist to it .
6 But there 's a moral to the story : never threaten anybody .
7 and there 's a backing to it and it pumps it out into the room , they 're dead hot
8 Okay right so there 's a s there 's a system to what 's going on with the acids and it 's not just one acid like hydrochloric most of the acids will do it some of them do it very readily some of them you have to get the conditions right often you have to get the temperature high to make it to make the reaction go but a metal plus an acid erm there 's a typical one zinc H two S O four gives zinc sulphate and the hydrogen .
9 There 's a reference to almost everything in Randolph Ash , sooner or later .
10 Erm looking interestingly enough , at the Hambleton figures of I understand these are new purchases , which is a bit surprising perhaps , but over a two year period there erm this is table three in Hambleton 's submission , there 's a reference to the number of erm the origin of house purchases from Cleveland in Hambleton , and it would be seen from there that Cleveland erm produced a hundred and fourteen dwellings , that 's purchases of Cleveland residents in the Hambleton area erm in nineteen ninety one to ninety three .
11 She becomes one with her instrument , lifting her head occasionally to smile at one or all of the band , or someone in the audience , but there 's a flow to the music that in my experience , is almost without parallel .
12 There 's a sense to which , to put it in current terms
13 But there 's a postscript to it .
14 but there 's a rhetoric to this as well ,
15 You just do n't give up when there 's a profit to be made . ’
16 For page one three four and T U P E , yes , well we have done quite an extensive document , there 's been a lot done about T U P E in the public sector we 've done it in the government sector and given guidelines , and T U P E , while it is like you rightly say , a step forward , it 's not the total answer we need something better , but it does level out the playing field that the cowboys can find it difficult in and we as a union are advocating to our members where there is a transfer taking place , whether there 's a change to your employment challenge it and we will support that challenge with the necessary legal interpretation if so .
17 OUTSIDE , TWO more journalists are waiting , a meeting is scheduled with video director Julien Temple and there 's a Concorde to New York to catch for a possible date with Sonic Youth .
18 I mean if there 's a decision to be made I hope they 'll just leave it up to me .
19 One , that many trade unionists work at and there 's a threat to their jobs and a threat to their future careers .
20 But there 's a plea to the public wanting to come along and cheer on their promotion-winning heroes to stick to the areas for their use .
21 And may I say very clearly and unequivocally at the outset , that it is abhorrent when it does happen to us because there 's no place for it , quite simply because er it is counterproductive to cohesion , and cohesion is the basis for operational effectiveness , and when there is an incident of bullying then we very promptly and thoroughly investigate it , and that investigation is followed , if there 's a case to be brought , by a trial of the chap that 's guilty .
22 I think there is some truth in that , all the more so , I 'm afraid , at a time when Britain is borrowing more than £50 billion a year , and there 's a resistance to any reallocation of resources .
23 There 's a memorial to the dog in the grounds .
24 Then there 's a homage to the Barbie Doll which goes : Blue eyes , blonde hair , long legs/ she 's glamorous , she 's welcomed by boys .
25 Erm , but , we had a , that was , that was quite good , but I must , there 's a trick to remembering names , and that is that you use it all the time , so any time , if you want to remember somebodys name , every time you see them you say hello and there name
26 ‘ Hey , there 's a punchline to that is n't there ? ’
27 ‘ Hey , there 's a punchline to that is n't there ? ’
28 ‘ I expect there 's a knack to it .
29 There 's a purity to ‘ Nevermind ’ that all but defies description , it washes over every tune , every note even .
30 ‘ I wonder if there 's a feature to be written on the downside of fashion modelling .
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