Example sentences of "there have [been] only a " in BNC.

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1 These lowland soils are called Brown Earths because there has been only a small amount of leaching which leaves the humus and chemicals fairly evenly spread between the A and B horizons of the soil .
2 It was in fact anticipated that the establishment of the Library Instruction Materials Bank ( LIMB ) in 1977 would remove some of the duplication in production , but there has been only a small measure of success here .
3 In Britain , however , there has been only a modest and localised recent recovery by the extreme right .
4 Since 1985 there has been only a marginal reduction in mental hospital beds : ‘ I think we lost some somewhere ’ , as Dr Peter Verbraak , Director of de Grote Bek Hospital in Groningen , recently commented .
5 While the number and proportion of women in paid employment has increased significantly since the Second World War , there has been only a very small improvement in women 's wages compared with those of men , and little growth in the range of occupations in which women are able to gain employment .
6 In the EC there has been only a limited introduction of expanded audit mandates by individual member countries .
7 However , there has been only a one to three per cent reduction in fat on sheep and cattle carcases during that period .
8 Over that period there has been only a 10 per cent .
9 From the many written questions that my hon. Friend has tabled on this matter , I note not only that the numbers of people in residential and nursing care have increased substantially , as we all know , but also the surprising fact that there has been only a modest fall in the numbers of people in local authority care .
10 She 'd given him no encouragement — their encounters had been on a light , friendly basis only — but she knew that he 'd long since stopped seeing Louise , and there 'd been only a couple of short-term girlfriends since .
11 But there had been only a small decrease in mental hospital beds and little sign of a significant shift to different forms of care .
12 There have been only a few exceptions to this general rule .
13 Moving further north , the United States has rather fewer volcanoes , and although there are some impressive cones such as those of Mt Shasta and Mt Rainier , both over 4,000 metres high , there have been only a few minor eruptions in historic times .
14 There have been only a few empirical studies of the relationship between volume and maturity .
15 Since J. C. Wells 's research on the phonological adaptations made by Jamaicans who had lived for a period in London ( Wells 1973 ) , there have been only a few detailed studies of the language of Caribbeans in Britain in spite of a good deal of interest in all aspects of Britain 's black population .
16 There have been only a small number of studies which have applied these techniques to bilingual data , for example : Auer 1981 , 1984a , 1984b ; Auer and Di Luzio 1983a , 1983b ; Tate 1984 ; Sebba and Wootton 1984 ; Milroy and Li Wei ( forthcoming ) .
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