Example sentences of "there have [be] [indef pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Children can be the most cruel of all , and there has been everything from physical fights to slanging matches . ’
2 Therefore , before Tamburlaine arrives , there has been no-one to really challenge his authority and supremacy , and so he is justifiably confident and arrogant about the forthcoming battle .
3 ‘ Oh yes , ’ said Cameron , ‘ there has been plenty of thinking .
4 There has been plenty of advice on what to stock and , as he is still learning about what Sutton Coldfield customers may want , he has been happy to listen .
5 One form about which there has been plenty of discussion is the Supplementary Statistical Document , known as the intrastat .
6 Despite the reports of political violence and killing , there has been plenty of genuine electioneering .
7 Conservative ministers and many commentators claim that there has been something of a revolution in British politics in the 1980s .
8 There has been something of a revolution in raising standards of quality in a number of manufacturing firms by encouraging departments within a factory to operate almost as separate companies .
9 Instead there has been something of a supermarket approach : according to the interests of the teacher a number of packages have been bought off the shelves and put in the course trolley .
10 There has been something of a buzz around .
11 Since the late 1970's there has been something of a boom in British Rail 's passenger services , with over 150 new stations having been opened and several new services developed .
12 There 's been a more limited but still a fairly substantial amount of work done in this country , and there has been nothing at all , we 've had done locally .
13 We can then consider the implications of this analysis for one of the general views identified in the introduction — that there has been nothing but conflict between science and religion .
14 In these three months there has been nothing but support for this scheme , some of it qualified , but nevertheless support , that it should go ahead .
15 For one thing , there has been nothing in the festival from the really great names , save for Satyajit Ray , whose transposition of An Enemy Of The People seems to me , though hardly on the top level of his work , to be both eloquent and deeply felt .
16 There has been nothing like it in human history .
17 Oh I 'm alright do n't worry about me I 'm , they , the person at home , their family must be told as well as you making a note in your accident book that there has been somebody with a knock on the head however mi minor it is , it 's got to be reported , because that knock could have repercussions , it could have broken a small vessel in the brain , it could still be bleeding and that is when compression takes over .
18 If I am unfortunate enough to experience the untimely death of several people I am attached to so that it forms something of a pattern , then I am likely to experience considerable difficulty with my bereavements : there has been none of the unconscious preparation for the death of someone close that goes on in our awareness of incidents that are likely to occur .
19 I I there is no evidence that it 's an inherited or venereal problem and this is the , you know you we have there has been lots of sort of studies done to see which woman might be more at risk and which women , you know , might have symptoms and th , the fact is that the reason why you , why the menopause occurs is because the ovaries stop functioning , they stop producing oestrogen and every woman 's ovaries does this and they do it you know , at all varying ages the average age is fifty .
20 As I said , there 'd been plenty of women in Uncle Paul 's life .
21 There 'd been something in the local papers about me and my work , and these girls , aged about eight to eleven years old , sent me a book of poems they 'd written , printed and sold to raise money .
22 There 've been plenty of people like that , all down history , and plenty of them psychologists , who 've had lunatic and silly ideas that everyone 's forgotten about .
23 There had been nothing about it on the television news since the day the car was found .
24 It was now thrashing feebly about in the straw trying to get its tangle of legs in order , a whole , complete , new horse — when five minutes ago there had been nothing at all save him thinking Firelight had indigestion .
25 There had been nothing at all before .
26 Her mother told her that there had been nothing on the wireless all day except music and news bulletins .
27 Yet since his father 's death there had been nothing between him and his sister but companionship , affection , peace .
28 There had been nothing like it in the UK before .
29 There had been nothing like it since the heyday of Northcliffe in the early years of the century .
30 Perhaps Dorothy had been shielded too much , and again in her marriage she had been protected , so that there had been nothing in her life to prepare her for what was happening now .
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