Example sentences of "there be [indef pn] of the " in BNC.

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1 Because the material can be shot in any order , there are none of the limitations of edit-in-camera recording .
2 Unfortunately , despite the specifications and price of the tool , there are none of the nozzle accessories that would exploit the full potential of the machine ; these must be purchased separately .
3 Generally , there are none of the inane pizzaman delivery scenarios you find in commercial porn — something consumers cherish about the amateurs .
4 Because acrylics dry so quickly , overpainting is a simple process and there are none of the danger associated with oil paints in this respect .
5 There are none of the problems of tracking down shareholders who may exist across a number of States , and who may be subsidiaries of other bodies .
6 Even at the most constantly watched setts , the badgers can sometimes become nervous if they catch the scent of a stranger , particularly if there are none of the usual human visitors present either .
7 ‘ We have good discussions , ’ he wrote , ‘ but there are none of the snide comments about ‘ my Russian mates carving up Poland ’ or ‘ my Commie friends getting more than they bargained for ’ when Russia invaded Finland , that I had on the building job . ’
8 I do believe they wore top hats , but there are none of the usual wedding photographs to confirm that .
9 All the stories are drawn and there are none of the photo stories which are to be found in the magazines for older girls of the time .
10 There are none of the problems we have been discussing concerning image data because the videodisc is an analogue medium .
11 Here there were none of the accustomed party cant or heroics about the Revolution .
12 Adrar was clean , and there were none of the African smells offensive to western noses — just the opposite .
13 The permanent staff was gradually purged to other camps until there were none of the original ‘ old people ’ left .
14 There were none of the crowds that had been there during the day and we could really pray .
15 Moreover , the papers were run as political ventures ; there were none of the commercial , management , planning and sales activities that were to be found at the Standard .
16 There were none of the demonstrations or obstructions which he had feared , and in fact such was the success of the play that he was featured on the cover of Time magazine on 6 March .
17 This was another of those naked spaces , so exposed it was useless — putting a chair out there to sit in the sun seemed unthinkable , there were none of the nooks and crannies or spaces that invited use .
18 There were none of the battered paperbacks usually left abandoned after rainy afternoons in holiday houses , no near pornography and , she thought , no detective stories , until she remembered the Sherlock Holmes collection beside the bed .
19 Standards slipped but there were none of the old crowd now to witness the decay .
20 Er there were none of the incubators and this sort of thing for them like we 've got today .
21 There were none of the comforts we take for granted now .
22 There 's plenty of the crash , bang and wallop .
23 A glowing profile by a local journalist of the time said : ‘ There 's nothing of the ruthless businessman in him .
24 There 's something of the chicken and egg situation in this .
25 There 's something of the same blankness of effect , too , in Ismail Saray 's white sheet hung against red , the white perforated with large burnt holes .
26 There 's something of the satyr about it .
27 Maybe there 's something of the reptile in her , he thought .
28 I always warn my men that there 's something of the scapegoat involved in the role of parish priest .
29 There 's none of the dazzling leaps or appalling lapses that gave previous albums a dynamic range .
30 There 's none of the rigorous logic and choreographed confusion of real farce , and director Jude Kelly labours under the mistaken impression that if the characters rush around and shout a lot , then they are bound to be funny .
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