Example sentences of "there [be] [adv] [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 are they settling in , there 's also stuff in there and you know , getting to know the staff , getting to know your class school rules , coming to school prepared what it 's like on your first day er , their first week , what you were worried about when you first came and coming to scho , fears and realities and all
2 The there 's not room in it !
3 erm because after all there 's not point in having these gradings and stars and whatever if people do n't a ) know about them and b ) trust them to be independent .
4 There 's not difference in the cost on that one .
5 A : There 's always contact in everyday life .
6 There 's always money in my pocket .
7 There 's always hope in here . ’
8 A bit of beating is all right , you can put up with that , but if a man is tight with his money there 's always trouble in the house .
9 There 's hardly room in my place for me , let alone bloody guests , ’ Zena told him .
10 We believe there 's still hope in everybody .
11 It 's clear there 's still life in the RAF 's workhorse yet .
12 Really fantastic , and there 's still money in the fund now , for after it .
13 There 's still time in an exam , if you realize soon enough as you did , to have another go .
14 Er er they never , you know when you watch it on television , there 's never trouble in rugby like they do in football is there ?
15 What table 4.2 does not show , however , is that there is also variation in length in the /a/ system , which is equally rule-governed .
16 There is also calcium in fish , and useful amounts can be obtained if the soft bones in some varieties of fish ( like sardines , pilchards and salmon ) are eaten along with the flesh .
17 At 8.0d.p.c. , retinoic acid causes an expansion of the r4 stripe in an anterior direction into the midbrain , and at 8.5d.p.c. there is also expression in neural crest cells migrating from this broadened domain ( Fig. 1 g' , h' ) .
18 There is also expression in the motor nerve cell bodies along the midline of r3 at 9.5d.p.c. ( d' ) and r3+r5 at 10.5d.p.c. ( e' ) .
19 There is also evidence in favour of the view that what we might think of as pragmatic factors influence language comprehension .
20 There is also value in having it sung or played in advance , perhaps on several occasions , by the choir , music group or organist .
21 And there is also irony in the way Pip treated Magwitch ; loathing him and not bearing to touch him and ending up loving him and holding his hand in court .
22 However , it should also be noted that there is also decrease in reaction time between levels of processing of 1 and 2 , which is significant for No answers .
23 We may be appalled by what we find , but there is also consolation in discovering even trivial aspects of the lives of parents and ancestors whose histories we identify with our own .
24 There is also confirmation in the word ‘ laia ’ , meaning ‘ a roadway in a wood ’ , and the French words ‘ layon ’ meaning a track used by sportsmen , and ‘ laie ’ meaning a bridleway or forest ride .
25 The argument that Linguistics-based courses are impracticable , cited a number of difficulties that are real enough , arguing that there is not time in a course already fragmented , and asserting that there were not enough people equipped to design and teach such courses as we envisaged and advocated .
26 This example requires a large table ; if there is not room in primary storage for such a table it is not possible to handle the file as a self-indexing file , and a different method of addressing must be used .
27 There is not point in adopting a text book position and then standing there until you ca n't swing the club back without making a jerky takeaway .
28 Privatisation of the former trust ports will no doubt generate a number of substantial port development projects but there is already over-capacity in the industry .
29 But there is already interest in the book .
30 Once the distinction between review and supervision is grasped , there is surely sense in having a special type of final appeal for cases involving issues of supervision , which allows more leisurely consideration of the issues than is possible in the Court of Appeal .
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