Example sentences of "all of [pers pn] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 The challenge was taken up by no less than 23 teams during the AKA Convention that year at Columbus , Ohio , all of them fulfilling the specification of being colourful , distinctive and exciting .
2 All of them take the working actors ' problems into account and attempt to create classes which can make free hours both disciplined and profitable .
3 Anyone opening a computer magazine will find themselves confronted with a bewildering array of advertisements , all of them promising the greatest deals known to mankind .
4 He passed beside them all , seeing no one , his eyes fixed on the sea and the skiff , and the two great ships and the galleys beyond , all of them flying the Lusignan flag .
5 Crime creates many victims and , despite our claim to be a caring society , not all of them get the help and support they deserve .
6 Of the seven wars with France that can be counted between 1690 and 1815 , only one was indisputably a war about colonies , but of course all of them affected the colonies and their inhabitants .
7 Not all Unionist MPs ever supported the coalition , but almost all of them took the Whip at some time ; the Unionists made up three-quarters of the government side of the House .
8 So too did many others , on both sides of the Pennines , not all of them obeying the mischievous hints of Captain Goldsborough , of course — since even he could not have been in so many places all at once — but intent on stirring up trouble nevertheless .
9 Opposition deputies had sought to have the minimum voting age lowered to 18 and all of them left the chamber in protest prior to the vote .
10 There are nearly twenty co-ops in the city now , all of them involving the tenants in deep and detailed commitment both to the planning and to each other .
11 None of them were ready to die , but all of them knew the odds stacked against them .
12 All of them had the attraction of fewer chores and a better library — as well as , for him , the genius loci of a childhood home .
13 Three of the staff from Orange wore the silver parachute wings which denoted service in the 2ème Régiment Étranger de Parachutistes , and all of them had the blue and white campaign ribbons denoting service in Chad or Lebanon .
14 The debate on these issues continued for several centuries and the proposed solutions were very varied , but all of them had the ultimate implication that only the civilized Christian Europeans deserved to be rated as true men in a fully human sense ; all other " men " being variously rated as sub-human animals , monsters , degenerate men , damned souls , or the product of a separate creation .
15 Paul Stone from Kidlington , Mick Casey from Abingdon and Andrew Norton from Thame and Ivan Lomas from Carterton , all of them win the runners up prizes , which is Time Form 's ‘ Horses to Follow ’ .
16 Symbolic , perhaps , of a ‘ gentler age ’ was the presence of the Archbishop of Canterbury and eleven Bishops in the Division lobbies , all of them supporting the Bill , in contrast with the solitary Bishop ( Chichester ) who had voted for abolition in 1948 .
17 All of them know the rules .
18 Grunte 's views were not untypical : there were too many blacks , buggers and uppity women , all of them reading the Observer .
19 Though many of the ‘ torturers ’ became extremely stressed during the experiment , all of them raised the voltage to levels marked ‘ very strong ’ — over 300 volts .
20 All of them treat the video sequence simply as another form of text and are familiar exercise types .
21 We have had big clubs v small clubs , east Wales v west Wales , above all at the moment the big clubs against the union , all of them undermining the fabric of the national game , everyone seeming to be suspicious of everyone else .
22 All of them want the Chancellor , Norman Lamont , to explain his forward thinking clearly when he gets to his feet in the Commons on 16 March .
23 All of them want the Chancellor , Norman Lamont , to explain his forward thinking clearly when he gets to his feet in the Commons on 16 March .
24 The fact that virtually all of them cross the Roman road , which was created in the first century AD , suggests that at least some of these features were there in the landscape before the road was built ; here , as elsewhere , it looks as if the road was put in arbitrarily across the landscape with little heed to existing features , much as when new roads and motorways are built today .
25 Authoritarians of the left , right , and centre — including right-wing dictators , old-style communists , and post-colonial governments in developing countries — have all of them espoused the Mobilizing Ideal as the proper role for the mass media .
26 After St George 's , almost all Unionist candidates ran without making promises to support the coalition ; this did not mean that all of them joined the diehard group when elected , but it showed that coalition was no longer seen to be a winning ticket .
27 The proof that the planets were actually formed in this way arises from the fact that all of them have the same built-in mode of spin .
28 Most of them are small ( big men are at a disadvantage in that job ) but nearly all of them have the most noble bodies ; wide shoulders tapering to slender supple waists , and small pronounced buttocks , with not an ounce of waste flesh anywhere , " says Orwell in Wigan Pier .
29 And behind all of them lies the archetypal opposition between good and evil , light and darkness , creation and destruction , God and the Devil .
30 All of them please have you got those , all of them did the shop sell
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