Example sentences of "can [be] see in [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Another qualification that should be made to the picture of a rising trend in women 's paid work is that , as can been seen in figure 10.1 , participation in full-time employment has not risen .
2 Two fine Decorated Gothic west façades can be seen in Exeter and York Cathedrals .
3 The benefits of Eastern investment can be seen in February 's unemployment figures for Sunderland they have dropped by 314 on the previous month , thanks in the main to the ‘ Nissan effect ’ and the start of a huge recruitment campaign for 1,500 workers .
4 This can be seen in Domesday Book and reflects much activity by the tenants of the Abbots of Glastonbury and the Bishops of Wells .
5 This can be seen in Truman 's decision on the future of the joint body , the Combined Chiefs of Staff , which had been set up in 1942 to co-ordinate Anglo-American strategy against Germany and Japan .
6 A good example of this imbalance can be seen in psycholinguistics , where the study of language comprehension , being more experimental , is markedly more advanced than the study of language production , in which the investigator has less control over what happens .
7 This can be seen in countries as different as Tanzania and Cameroun .
8 Just how sensitive is the issue can be seen in US firms ' responses when ownership controls have been relaxed .
9 Elements of these approaches , combined ( as also in Caudwell ) with specifically historical orientations , can be seen in Lukacs ( 1969 ) and Marcuse ( 1978 ) .
10 This can be seen in attempts to divide the contrary themes of ‘ I 'm not prejudiced but … ’ into separate levels ; by claiming that one of the contrary themes possesses a deeper psychological significance , one resolves the apparent contradiction .
11 Tony 's handywork can be seen in houses big and small .
12 Other easily recognised Balanchine signatures can be seen in passages marked Stretto where his dancers stab their toes into the floor as they travel across the stage in posés attitudes devant or à la seconde .
13 A classic example of this can be seen in Stu Kilen 's article , as he relives his disastrous 3rd match of the Macphersons League .
14 This attitude can be seen in Prussia , and more strikingly in France .
15 A typical example of such observation can be seen in Alfred W. Arthurton 's account of the day 's work at Paddington Station in 1904 :
16 The width of the application of the rules can be seen in Board of Education v. Rice ( N.L. , 1911 ) .
17 These are some of the 22 species of butterfly which can be seen in abundance all over the farm .
18 A considerable overlap of values can be seen in controls and patients with oesophagitis Grade 0 and I , as well as among all oesophagitis groups .
19 Many can be seen in operation daily
20 Such a market does not exist in England today , though similar places can be seen in France .
21 This can be seen in phrases such as " too hurriedly " and " highly agreeable " as well as the tenor of the whole passage .
22 One glimpse of this welldisciplined style can be seen in Lichine 's Graduation Ball , where both boys and girls march in formation and make other military manoeuvres .
23 This insecurity , along with a felt need for some stable focus of emotional security , can be seen in responses to the sentence-completion test item ‘ more than anything else he/she worries about … ’
24 The pair can be seen in Middlesbrough on April 15 and 16 at 7.30pm .
25 Relapse can be seen in changes of mood before it leads back to use of the addictive substance or behaviour .
26 The results can be seen in Appendix C which shows the improved recognition when using information about compounds and phrases .
27 An example letter to the defendants agreeing full facilities for a medical examination can be seen in Appendix 8C .
28 Writer of television classics such as Rock Follies , Video Stars , and Upline , Howard Schuman who also penned the recently televised Selling Hitler can be seen in conversation with writer Michael Eaton of Fellow Traveller and Shoot To Kill fame .
29 This general trend can be seen in microcosm in the career of Lord Burghley : at his death he was still assessed at £133. 6s. 8d. , the figure that he had returned before he became a peer .
30 The same kinds of effect can be seen in studies of families with disabled young adults ( Hirst , 1984 ) and a disabled spouse ( Martin and White , 1988 ) .
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