Example sentences of "can [be] [verb] as a " in BNC.

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1 Nervous convulsions have been attributed by some clinicians to toxocariasis , but there is still some disagreement on whether the parasite can be implicated as a cause of these signs .
2 That way she can keep her puritanical role as keeper of the rules , and I can be represented as a rude anarchist .
3 There are self-evidently interests other than those of social concern in the spatial revitalisation of urban economic activity and there is no need to descend into a dogmatic public v. private sector debate on the efficiency of urban renewal to suggest that these interests stand to benefit when state intervention , so discredited in the early Thatcher years as creeping socialism , can be represented as a free market solution to urban crisis .
4 Both Clements ' Community as an Organism and Tansley 's Ecosystem can be represented as a retreat to community holism after a brief flirtation with an organismal , Darwinian ecology .
5 The fraction can be represented as a signed number by any of the methods discussed in the previous section .
6 At the same time , the basic insight of Ohmann 's approach continues to have linguistic validity : it is widely held that the basic logical content of a sentence can be represented as a ( set of ) elementary propositions , which , together with their interrelations , constitute its " deep structure " or " semantic representation " . "
7 Since there are many possible adaptive forms , the patterns of development can be represented as a tree in which many lines branch out in different directions from the same starting point , not as a linear scale .
8 A GIS can be represented as a means of producing digital overlays of spatially-referenced information , together with the means of entering , recovering , processing and displaying information present in these overlays ( Figure 7. 1 ) .
9 This can be represented as a network as shown in Figure 4.20 .
10 ‘ We consider that where a benefit is received which is covered by the rules for registration , it does not become exempt from registration simply because , when offset against associated costs or inconvenience , it can be represented as a net disbenefit to the recipient . ’
11 As we shall see , the object for Lévi-Strauss 's anthropology and Barthes 's semiology is a social form that can be analysed as a language ( kinship systems , myth ) .
12 These resemble the well-known problems of international macroeconomic policy-making , and can be analysed as a strategic game between national policy-makers .
13 Indeed , there is an implicit struggle between critic and artist ; an artist 's manifesto can be seen as a deliberate attempt to pre-empt critical comment and evaluation .
14 Her last film ‘ RATTLE OF A SIMPLE MAN ’ ( 1964 ) whose commercial and critical failure ended her career , can be seen as a woman 's reply to the eulogies of the working class male celebrated by John Osbourne and his like , and it does so by poking fun at the ideology of the male and his crude sexism .
15 This thought casts the world in a profoundly different light from common sense in its materialistic moment ; and much of metaphysics can be seen as a response to it .
16 Given its basic anti-absolutist thought that , whether within or without political society , men have a right to life , liberty , and possessions , it can be seen as a kind of picturesque metaphor which , in explaining the structure of legitimate political authority , reveals it to be based in the consent of the governed .
17 Having said that , this place has been made ‘ valid through prayer ’ and can be seen as a sacrament of God 's coming to us through the demands of human life .
18 Taken as a whole , the 1950s can be seen as a decade in which everyone had to work very hard just to keep the District on an even keel : it reflects great credit on all concerned that , in statistical terms , the decline of the early fifties was halted so that ultimately an expansionist phase could begin .
19 They can be seen as a roaring success , a qualified success , or an expensive diversion .
20 Preactive management can be seen as a positive response to changed circumstances with plans and objectives in mind , that is it is facilitated by the directional planning approach .
21 In its latter aspect the theory can be seen as a formalization , in associative terms , of the very reasonable suggestion that a stimulus is likely to receive a full measure of processing only when its occurrence is unexpected ( i.e. not predictable on the basis of other , usually contextual , cues ) .
22 Yet others have argued that the unrest can be seen as a symptom of the breakdown of law and order in British society ( Gaffney , 1987 ; Hall , 1987 ; Keith , 1987 ) .
23 The evidence would suggest that devolution can be seen as a chore for the head or as an opportunity for the school .
24 Yet though the African Social Studies Programme suffers from close comparison with its two elder brothers it has nevertheless already influenced practice and served as a forum for international exchange of ideas and can be seen as a contributory factor in the widespread change of emphasis towards study of man in his environment .
25 The Springbok all-rounder of the 1960s and 1970s has been appointed coach of Transvaal in what can be seen as a determined bid by the lions of the north to regain their position as the top dogs of South African domestic cricket .
26 But it very soon became clear that any mention of a maximum was unnecessary and , with hindsight , it can be seen as a future source of embarrassment .
27 At this stage the fry are totally helpless and they can be seen as a solid mass , quivering like a lump of jelly , and difficult to distinguish as fish at all .
28 Bingeing can be seen as a way of ‘ stuffing away ’ feelings and then getting rid of them by vomiting .
29 Apart from the movement over the Downs , the Germanic settlers moved inland along the rivers ; the attack on the Weald already had the Romano-British experience to build on and , given the distribution of the rivers , can be seen as a pincer movement rather than a direct push northwards .
30 A still closer view shows us the detail of the cascade , and the passing traffic can be seen as a shivery reflection in the water of the trough .
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