Example sentences of "can [be] [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Beyond can be seen the outside world of ‘ Natures endless treasurie ’ , with a telescope trained on the heavens .
2 In the foreground can be seen the old-established straw-plait basket shop .
3 In S. Vitale , in particular , can be seen the typical combination of subjects in the Bible story depicted next to the Emperor Justinian , his Queen and his Court .
4 Here again , however , can be seen the persisting tendency to link the conduct of foreign policy with miscellaneous internal functions ; for the First Secretariat of State , as it was usually known , acquired in 1782 control of the Madrid police .
5 Of course the game can be played the other way round and even crude Austinian positivism might be treated as vindicated by the English criminal statute .
6 It does not concern all , either , of what can be called the mental .
7 It can be called the logical problem , and briefly expressed it is this : in general , what are the premisses or grounds or bases for dependent conditionals ?
8 My view , which locates racism in the core of politics , contrasts sharply with what can be called the coat-of-paint theory of racism ( Gilroy , 1987 ) .
9 The pure invention of these tales , the exercise of what at its best can be called the high imagination , allow the writer ( in Dryden 's phrase ) to take the clogs off his fancy , and to escape the world at will .
10 Did he ever come not merely to see as a possibility but actually to possess a conviction of what can be called the benign indifference of the universe ?
11 The novelty of such a situation will be more apparent if we compare with it what can be called the classical situation of the ancient world between 600 and 300 B.C. It has become a commonplace , after Karl Jaspers ' Vom Ursprung und Ziel der Geschichte — the first original book on history to appear in post-war Germany in 1949 — to speak of the Achsenzeit , of the axial age , which included the China of Confucius and Lao-Tse , the India of Buddha , the Iran of Zoroaster , the Palestine of the Prophets and the Greece of the philosophers , the tragedians and the historians .
12 If no further contact can be made the general practitioner should be informed .
13 Tins if originally opened upside down , can be stood the right way up on shelves to look unused , provided that rough and dangerous edges are made quite safe first .
14 Sacked three times from the county football manager post , McEniff can be forgiven the odd pinch of himself as he takes in the widespread adulation accorded to him now everywhere he goes .
15 At the outset , it can be asserted the Young Conservatives we studied in no way constituted an ideological group like the Young Socialists .
16 .. perhaps the next step in future research can be to explore the detailed linkage between environment , scanning , and actual strategic adjustments .
17 City streets have also provided Matthew Carr with material , though now he has abandoned his old habit of pulling people in off the pavement , ‘ as it can be taken the wrong way ’ .
18 The biographer of T. S. Eliot , who was himself to speak of the ‘ dark ’ experience , of the ‘ rude unknown psychic material ’ , incorporated in his poem The Waste Land , can be seen in Hawksmoor to contribute to the tradition of romantic fabulation which began with the Gothic novel — a tradition in which darkness is privileged , in which a paranoid distrust is evident , in which can be read the evergreen message that the deprived may turn out to be depraved , and in which there can be two of someone .
19 Amongst the disincentives to compiling and maintaining a special classification scheme can be numbered the following :
20 All around the oval churchyard can be found the sunken tracks that were once the village streets and paths and raised above them are the grassy mounds that cover the foundations of houses and cottages long since gone .
21 Caerleon , the legionary fortress of Isca , boasts the atmospheric remains of a Roman amphitheatre and baths complex , whilst in the beautiful Wye Valley can be found the substantial ruins of Tintern Abbey and Chepstow Castle .
22 In the Structure Plan , again , can be found the following perceptive comments :
23 Nowhere to the west of the Wallace Line can be found the giant Cassowary , Birds of Paradise or marsupials of Australasia , and nowhere to the east of it are found the tigers , elephants , primates and early man which crossed the land-bridge once connecting Java , Sumatra and Borneo to mainland Asia .
24 Just across the Dean Bridge beside the imposing facade of Stewarts Melville college can be found the gracious Victorian setting of the Queensway Hotel .
25 In the church vestry can be found the unsmiling and stalwart statue of Queen Elizabeth 1 .
26 This was a major achievement , and can be considered the outstanding success of Edward IV 's regional policy .
27 This was a major achievement , and can be considered the outstanding success of Edward IV 's regional policy .
28 Although Philip Miller received seeds and specimens through various channels from America , Peter Collinson can be considered the chief link between Chelsea and the New World .
29 What with the excellent Emlyn Hughes International Soccer on the Megatape , and ripping round-up of every footy game released for the C64 ( not to mention a clutch of spiffing soccer videos to give away ) , we think we can be excused the odd cry of ‘ Gooooaaaaa ! ’ though .
30 It is because it is part of the structure of attitudes to possess such unrealized , implicit potentialities , that the implicit aspects can be termed the unstructured pan of the attitudinal structure .
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