Example sentences of "can [adv] [be] see [conj] " in BNC.

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1 B — jumps at him , Jack the referee drops on stomach to count but is fast between wrestlers and ca n't be seen and he manages to free himself , and counts 1 2 3 very quickly .
2 So the crucial interpretive assumption of conventionalism , that our legal practice can sensibly be seen as structured by central and pervasive legal conventions about legislation and precedent , seems to be reflected in ordinary experience .
3 Anderson and Roberts can perhaps be seen as offering us different facets of essentially a similar situation , where feelings of affection and concepts of duty are taken into calculations about mutual advantage based on material considerations .
4 It may also include very small remains such as pollen grains , that can only be seen and identified with the aid of a microscope .
5 Yet systematic exclusion of women from higher education can only be seen as having forced the great majority of capable women out of the intellectual mainstream .
6 Sometimes they may spread to involve the terminal urethra , and can only be seen if the urethral meatus is parted .
7 Using this notation , the components of the Weyl tensor are given by the expressions ( 10.4 ) It can thus be seen that , although ( 10.2 ) is linear so that different solutions for V can be superposed , the associated gravitational waves can not be simply superposed .
8 It can thus be seen that this transformation with may be used to change the profile of the approaching waves .
9 It can thus be seen that both in this chapter and in the closely related one on adult education which follows , the Report addresses English professors and teaching staff not so much as professionals but as responsible public figures ; as socially concerned part-time and even voluntary preachers functioning to disseminate a national culture .
10 Urry 's model can thus be seen as representing the constituents of a place .
11 The Middlemen can thus be seen as both an acid criticism of British society and a purge of Brooke-Rose 's oeuvre .
12 Infra-red may be regarded as a form of light to which the human eye is insensitive — that is , it can not be seen but otherwise behaves in practically the same way .
13 It has some fine Renaissance ceilings on the second floor although these are under lock and key and can not be seen unless the keyholder happens to be in the museum that day .
14 An object can not be seen unless light reflected from it passes through the eye on to the retina and the brain receives the impulses transmitted from the retina via the optic nerve .
15 Renaissance drawings of machines , and even some of those from the eighteenth century , sometimes display an ignorance of how the device must really have worked ; and at other times they are fudged , so that important features can not be seen because the artist did not understand them .
16 Since aesthetic values are informed by a range of economic , social , and cultural values , literary choices can not be seen as wholly separate from broader systems of value .
17 The 1988 Urban Programme can not be seen as dramatically different from the approach inherited by the Conservative government elected in 1979 .
18 Situated as it was in the corner of rural Essex , immediately adjacent to the sprawling East End of London , West Ham was subject to diverse influences ; in the final analysis , however , its growth can not be seen as integral to either of its neighbours .
19 The contours of the political system can not be seen as something external to the mass media , something on which they have an ‘ impact ’ , since they play a part in its determination by , for instance , giving meanings to events , by setting the agenda for debate and by shaping the political climate .
20 Where the services can not be seen as making an economic contribution , they are clearly improving the quality of life for members of the community , which is presumably the ultimate goal of raising productivity and standards of living anyway .
21 ( The ‘ higher powers ’ of an intransitive relation arise when there are chains of elements each related to the next by the relation in question ; thus , if A is the father of B , B of C , and C of D , then A stands in the ‘ third power ’ of the relation ’ — father of — ’ to D. ) It can easily be seen that A in 1(a) and P in 1(b) fulfil this requirement ( assuming , of course , that the lines in the diagrams symbolise the relation of dominance ) .
22 As you can see from the first diagram , the body of even the toughest fighter is covered with ‘ soft spots ’ ( or vulnerable areas ) which can easily be seen and reached .
23 Finally , inequality in political influence can normally be seen as deriving from either material advantage or high status , but it may be that political office may independently form the basis for gaining status and/or privileged life-chances .
24 Rather , it seems that , in its usage at least , it can best be seen as having been incorporated into the neoclassical compromise which has dominated most Western criminal justice systems .
25 Few of London 's historic houses can still be seen as they were intended .
26 If competition generated raw aggression resulting in defeat or death this can hardly be seen as assisting fitness maximisation .
27 Better choices can usually be seen but can never be made retrospectively .
28 For these suggest that holism and individualism can fruitfully be seen as serving different interests in social explanation .
29 It can clearly be seen that , if the initial solution satisfies the boundary conditions appropriate for colliding waves , then so does the new solution .
30 It can clearly be seen that this entry indicates most strongly the financial sense of ’ access ’ ( e.g. ’ mortgage ’ , ’ sum ’ , ’ high ’ , ’ instant ’ , ’ interest ’ , ’ money ’ , etc . ) .
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