Example sentences of "can [adv] [be] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 And he ca n't be getting the research at Hoggatt 's . "
2 She may live in a vicarage , but because she 's a woman Reverend Pinkerton ca n't be called a vicar .
3 When these people copy games they ca n't be damaging the software market , because they 're not able to buy the software anyway .
4 But meanwhile , the hospital workers had been dug in for another kind of long war which ca n't be won the miners ' way .
5 There 's almost nothing either of us can say that ca n't be taken the wrong way , with a bit of imagination .
6 He thereby makes what happens , the smell , into what can properly be called a matter of real chance .
7 Put another way , the area which can properly be called the ‘ tectonic Pacific ’ is one of relatively low altitude that is bounded by a ring of islands and mountains which have been — and are still being — formed by the geological processes that occur when one tectonic plate bumps into and grinds against another .
8 For though some historians doubt whether such a loose conglomeration of territories , each with different traditions and customs , cobbled together by " an unholy combination of princely greed and genealogical accident " and just as likely to fall apart again , can properly be called an empire , none doubts the accuracy of the term Angevin .
9 The resistance , to my mind , does not amount to what can properly be called an argument .
10 Within that two years , any time within that two years you can basically be given the sack for not coming up to the grade or not coming up to scratch or sometimes they prolong your pr probation for another six months so instead of being a probationer constable for two years you 're a probationer constable for two and a half years .
11 In a medical textbook , the choice between clavicle and collar-bone can justly be called a matter of stylistic variation .
12 The NACAB information system , whether paper or microfilm , can justly be considered the showpiece of the service and many wish to protect it .
13 It 's just that I 've just got too many at , it can only be done a week before
14 Most potholes can only be seen a few yards ahead , and cars swerving without warning hardly contribute to road safety .
15 With the current boom in interest in opera , though , this disc enters a very competitive field indeed and so , once again , can only be given a general recommendation .
16 The sentence can only be assigned the right truth conditions , or alternatively be given the correct semantic representation , if the pragmatic significance of and in this sentential context ( namely the " and then " interpretation ) is taken into account before doing the semantics .
17 The philosopher Mark Johnson has recently produced what can only be called a constructivist account of linguistic meaning and reasoning .
18 My own family was at once strongly nuclear and part of what can only be called a clan .
19 Elsewhere the band choose what can only be called a hardcore bubblegum sound and by the time you get to the final furlong , this regularity means the fizz is starting to fade and you dearly want the guitars to twist and shout and sing .
20 Each of the five judgments rambles over the territory in what can only be called a head-scratching way , making it impossible for the consumer of the judgment to know at the end just what the law is held to be , except negatively , and then only negatively on a few points .
21 Liquids can only be compressed a very small amount and then only under high pressures .
22 Modern refining techniques mean that for every barrel of crude oil refined , there will be a split between diesel and petrol fuels that can only be varied a small amount .
23 It is this turn to ‘ passivity ’ which remains critical to this very day ; today 's tabloid press can only be reinforcing a process which began well over a century ago .
24 In what can only be considered a plan of Baldrickian cunning , not only will the Board 's coffers be groaning with the weight of money but — and here is the really clever part — fewer people than ever will now be able to observe what a mess the game is really in .
25 In what can only be considered a plan of Baldrickian cunning , not only will the Board 's coffers be groaning with the weight of money but — and here is the really clever part — fewer people than ever will now be able to observe what a mess the game is really in .
26 Before concluding this discussion , it would be instructive to explore the performance of the Polish People 's Army in what can only be considered a most exceptional contingency .
27 A group comprising at least eleven pavements of the southeastern part of the province can thus be considered a reasonably convincing example of integral , stylistic affinity .
28 The one can not be made a substitute for the other ; indeed , any failure in right conduct inevitably brings about a downfall in right beliefs .
29 There are cases not in any way in doubt on this appeal which establish the general proposition that a foetus enjoys , while still a foetus , no independent legal personality — a foetus can not , while a foetus , sue and can not be made a ward of court : see Paton v. British Pregnancy Advisory Service Trustees [ 1979 ] Q.B .
30 Since that Act came into force , a child who is the subject of a care order , as W. was and is , can not be made a ward of court : see section 100(2) ( c ) of that Act .
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