Example sentences of "would have [to-vb] [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd have to take a few hundred and we might get one we both agree on .
2 Well , I could n't go in without him , so I 'd have to do the same .
3 I really would have to acquire a few pairs of stockings , and dispense with my poodle anklets .
4 The very next day , Sunday , I would have to attend the same chapel in its religious function , and the fact that the previous evening it had been a battleground for people who were supposed to be friends and allies , while the ‘ enemy ’ got on with his job uninterrupted outside , led to a more or less permanent confusion in my mind , which I now believe to be totally justified , between violence and religion , and between fact and fancy [ or film ] .
5 In other words , the universe would have to behave the same if one replaced particles by antiparticles , took the mirror image , and also reversed the direction of time .
6 By that they mean that multiplying them together in either order would have to give the same result .
7 Even to play with a pick I would have to do the same thing , like Phil Lynott did , whereas to play with my fingers in a heavy metal kind of way , as I normally do , I have to have the bass quite low or else my wrist gets mangled up and I start having problems with tendonitis .
8 Mr Edmonds said all companies would have to pay the same base rate so they could not complain of unfair competition .
9 He was disgusted by Pete , but they would have to share the same space for years .
10 If Fen had n't returned by morning she would have to pack a few essentials , lock up the boat and make her way back to Little Kirkton by public transport , and Fen would have achieved his objective — to be rid of her .
11 He would have to make the same improvement as his stable-companion Forest Sun did from Chepstow to Ascot to be given a sporting chance here .
12 Then , at the end of the day , wet and tired , they would have to make the same walk back again .
13 As the spend over the three years will be more than that — last year 's spend was £17 million and I expect this year 's to be £25 million , making a total of £42 million — I suppose that I could give my hon. Friend the assurance that he seeks , but even if our figures were so way out that I could be caught on that commitment , when I consider the matter next May — assuming that the burden still falls to me to do so — I would have to make the same calculation as I made this year .
14 We would have to meet the same conditions — no more , no less .
15 Structure and local land would have to follow the same criteria .
16 ( Laidler 1987 , p. 345 ) ( One argument for the UK fully joining the European Monetary System is that in order to maintain our par the UK would have to have the same ( low ) inflation rate as West Germany . )
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