Example sentences of "would not [verb] [pers pn] in " in BNC.

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1 She visited Kitty , wishing the old woman really had been a witch and then she could have solved the riddles which would not leave her in peace .
2 They might be , predictably , so unpopular that Parliament would not pass them in the first place .
3 John Coffin , she felt sure , would not ; he might think the same things , but would not say them in that way .
4 It was not seen , either , and a story was founded that Ayling would not allow it in the house .
5 Byron would not have me in the larger house , claiming that the dogs would never tolerate my presence without howling all night .
6 Sir John Menzies had a recurrent dream , especially on the nights when his young wife would not have him in the bed beside her , or he had been drinking late , and he slept in the side bedroom , which was tall and narrow with two pistols perched on nails in the wall .
7 The examiner is not looking for technical perfection and certainly would not find it in many candidates ' answers to this question .
8 To his grief , Donny 's widow would not find it in her heart to speak to him again .
9 ‘ If we did not feel 100 per cent positive about our ability to fly the plane safely , we would not put it in the air . ’
10 But his wisdom would not help him in this instance .
11 I accept that the right hon. Gentleman could not go any further at that time , but is he aware that his argument that a change in the defence of provocation might allow for revenge killings is wrong and invalid because juries would not accept it in the case of revenge killings ?
12 He almost pranced along the passage with his pet and I hoped fervently that I would not see them in there again .
13 He could not believe what he was hearing , but he knew that the General would not deceive him in these , or any other , circumstances .
14 Television Producers would not cast her in lead roles , knowing full well the public would immediately identify her as ‘ that Doctor Who girl ’ .
15 While an overwhelming number of Scottish Labour MPs contacted by The Scotsman this week underlined their support for Mr Clarke , some of his original supporters indicated they would not support him in the shadow cabinet elections later this year .
16 It is difficult to think that Parliament intended the section to operate so capriciously and I would not construe it in that sense unless clearly constrained to do so by the statutory language .
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