Example sentences of "would be on the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I mean I know that now because I never thought I 'd be on the scrap heap , but sometimes I really do feel as if I am
2 We worked a wee half a week and were on the dole , Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday we 'd be on the dole , then work Thursday , Friday and Saturday morning .
3 There is no reason to be sitting in bed , but I never thought I 'd be on the go so quickly .
4 and all of a sudden I developed she 'd be on the phone going , I 've just eaten mussels with vinegar in them .
5 In my plan , we 'd be on the Hispaniola now , every dead man alive and the treasure on ship , by thunder !
6 ‘ I 'd be on the beach sunbathing and he 'd be sitting there in a suit , collar and tie and black shoes .
7 He 'd be on the record .
8 If it were n't for this job creation scheme I 'd be on the rubbish tip
9 ‘ I liked the way that , we 'd be on the bandstand playing and he 'd just be walking around and playing and just look at you and kind of tip his head , you 'd play and then he 'd start playing when he wanted you to stop !
10 They had the Socialists Medical Association well there 'd be they 'd be on the side of Bevan .
11 You 'd be on the line for a certain amount of publicity , but I 've been looking at today 's papers and it seems you 've already had a taste of what the Press can be like … ’
12 He 'd be on the Riviera by now , bearing all those heavy Sabatini responsibilities .
13 Using a new set of genuine Thomas Leavy documents based on his legal name change — the last thing he supposed the Federal authorities would be on the lookout for — Coleman then slipped back into the States , via Canada , for what he felt in his bones was probably the last time he would see his father and his country .
14 But no one knows what the biological effects would be on the astronauts undertaking such a trip Christopher Joyce
15 But no one knows what the biological effects would be on the astronauts undertaking such a trip
16 And Rathbone would be on the case , with his bloodhound and magnifying glass .
17 I had already decided that my degree thesis would be on the life of this underrated painter from Milan .
18 And the next fortnight I would be on the afternoon shift , which meant getting the same distance , to half past two to work till They were eight hour shifts you see and the night shift likewise had to come a very er a tremendous number from working at the Ford Motor Company at Dagenham ev even in those days , travel from various places .
19 As I understand the matter , there could be a fair number of such voyages , and the only basis for charge would be on the cost to the employer , and in the example that we are considering that would be very small .
20 He explained that in each case ( including that of teachers ) the charge would be on the cost to the employer of providing the services and that in each case that cost would either be nil or very small .
21 In less than an hour 's time they would be at St Petrock 's , and Susan would be on the platform to meet her , with dear old Sambo , the Airedale , barking his head off with glee .
22 A large number of dogs who end up in the rescue homes would be on the vet 's euthanasia list if they 'd had different owners .
23 Eight such units were envisaged , and it was anticipated that between three and five would be on the streets at any given time ( The Guardian , 10 May 1991 ) .
24 On paper , however , the vessels would be on the order of the United States , enabling Israel to receive American financing and circumventing West German export restrictions .
25 It appeared that , without changes in policy , Britain would be on the way to racial suicide .
26 After five years ' work , Olivier was certain of only two things : that the population , even at the highest estimate , was by no means enough to ensure the eventual survival of the species ; and that the figures henceforward would be on the way down rather than up .
27 Nenna had no more than an animal 's sense of direction and distance , but it seemed to her that the right thing to do would be to try to reach the City , then , once she got to Blackfriars , she knew where the river was , and though that would be Lambeth Reach or King 's Reach , a long way downstream of the boats , still , once she had got to the river she would be on the way home .
28 That is the problem erm in so far as initially er we felt that it that that the onus would be on the individual , I E if it 's a short term stay car park they would not use it .
29 Yeah I worked out what this would be on the scale .
30 A second compulsory course ( taught by development studies specialists ) would be on the Principles and practice of development both at the macro level ( eg the place of the Third World countries in the world economy ) and the micro level ( eg community organisation ; role of church-related NGOs ) .
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