Example sentences of "would be give a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 To think that the Archives are standing idle by , however , would be to give a false impression .
2 Officers failed to tell Simon Kinnersley , 42 , that he would be given a sterile mouthpiece which had been sealed to blow into .
3 In the resultant Postlethwait audio-tutorial laboratory , open from around 7.00 a.m. to 11.30 pm. , the student could come at a time of his own choosing ; at the entrance he would receive a descriptive hand-out explaining what books , notes , equipment would be necessary to bring along ; once inside he would be given a botanical specimen and would enter a pleasant area equipped with a multiplicity of booths or carrels .
4 The Commission issued on Oct. 25 , 1989 , a revised set of proposals for the harmonization of excise duties , under which member governments would be given a minimum set of duties for each product , together with a non-mandatory target rate .
5 In February 1989 the proposed new terms and conditions were outlined by letter to staff and , after subsequent fruitless negotiations with the unions , in April 1989 a notice was sent informing the employees that the changes would be discussed with them , that they would be given a reasonable time to consider the new contracts and that they would be dismissed if they did not accept them .
6 You talk about getting work you talk about getting work and all that sort of thing erm we 've offered John , at one point , that if he did a bit of clearing up in the churchyard erm that he would be given a small amount of money .
7 Amid charges of a short-term political fix from Labour , the Liberal Democrats and the remaining handful of diehard Tory dissidents , Mr Heseltine said the mines would be given a new chance to compete and eased the way for full privatisation of the coal industry .
8 Linen , when new , had a certain quantity of starch applied , thereby making it slightly stiff whilst remaining pliable ; wrapped in such material a body would be given a neat , crisp appearance and presentable for viewing , the shroud being drawn away from the features for this purpose .
9 He said most ticket-holders had already been warned of the cancellation and would be given a full refund .
10 In the absence of charters , the new colonies on the south shore devised constitutions of their own : Connecticut 's Foundations in 1639 were primarily concerned to bring a group of separate towns , each with a rural hinterland , together as one colony with a congregational approach to religion which would avoid the dangers of conflict and division , while the Constitution of Rhode Island , established in 1643 , took a long step further towards complete commitment to the view that no particular variety of religion would be given a special position and that everybody would be allowed to carry on worship freely .
11 Mr Heseltine also defended Nigel Lawson 's decision to put interest rates up to 15 per cent , and hoped the Chancellor would be given a courteous reception when he addressed conference on Thursday .
12 They would be given a proper funeral in the parish church and their ashes would be interred under the ancient yew tree in the churchyard .
13 ‘ The question is why has n't Durham built them before ? ’ — Every child would be given a statutory right to education from the age of three under a Liberal Democrat government , its Darlington candidate vowed .
14 The civilians would look after the waves of foreign investment lapping into Thailand , while the armed forces would retain their grip on many state-owned enterprises and would be given a free hand to run Thailand 's relations with its neighbours .
15 Each driver would be given a free monthly allowance , which a meter would debit electronically every time a driver entered or left a freeway .
16 Every Buttermere neighbour and old wrestling foe would be given a free mug of beer as his first drink and throughout the day Joseph would ask a little — often useless — favour here , another there in order to keep them within his ken : so that they kept their eyes , he would say to himself , on the signals coming from the flagship .
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