Example sentences of "would be [v-ing] to the " in BNC.

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1 I 'd be owing to the stage Mike !
2 She still had n't admitted to the other woman that she was n't at all sure she 'd be returning to the music business .
3 ‘ I have been most of all impressed by the contention that removal to such an area would be damaging to the morale of journalists . ’
4 It said that a strike would be damaging to the company and to its staff .
5 ACAS refused to recommend recognition partly because to do so would arouse strong opposition from the other unions with a risk of industrial action which would be damaging to the industry .
6 As I am constantly told by many who get in touch with me , uncertainty and delay would be damaging to the whole of the further and higher education sector .
7 Instead , there was an announcement , accompanied by a great hoo-hah , that the authority and its 800 jobs would be moving to the bay .
8 He left her with the impression that he would be proceeding to the States .
9 The matter had been taken up with the Bank of Ireland and he would be recommending to the incoming Executive Committee that it should be referred to the Labour Court , on the basis that it is gross discrimination .
10 One would be looking to the Navarrans to pay accommodation .
11 And we know there are various er responses to that question , and I would be looking to the districts to say whether or not they could cope with the various levels of provision that have been identified for Greater York , and it 's the view of whether they can cope within their own districts , I have n't said how you can cope , I said whether you can cope , you might I will I will leave you free to make the odd comment , but I want to focus on that part of the issue , and then the natural corollary to that is , will it be necessary , or is it considered necessary in the context of this alteration to provide specific guidance within H One policy for the distribution of that er development to er at sub , what I would call sub-district level , in other words do you want a specific entry for say Ryedale or Hambledon ?
12 He said he would be writing to the chief executive of the county council to ask him why the decision had been taken .
13 Alan Milburn , Labour 's Parliamentary candidate for Darlington , said he would be writing to the RHA calling on management to halt further moves towards purchasing consortiums .
14 Maeve would be seeing to the barns , ensuring stock was slaughtered , the meat dried , salted and hung high in the kitchen to smoke , preserving it for the long winter months .
15 As the queen-dowager had informed them , she was but paying a brief visit to the palace , out of respect for her young lord and would be returning to the sanctuary very shortly .
16 Beyond this point the observer would be returning to the north pole .
17 Lucy felt a surge of excitement , not only because here was the opportunity to see a kiwi in its natural surroundings , but also because she would be returning to the bush with Silas .
18 If you go back seven or eight years ago er the city institutions would be saying to the companies , you know this is a er a major matter in the in the growth of the company and you need you need city representation , you need a firm of city lawyers to deal with it .
19 He had just nodded his head , and then returned to the talk about the social evening , and how difficult it was to be safe with prawns , and he had wanted to know if Dan and his lady would be coming to the Service 's New Year 's Eve party .
20 In all the antics to which our honourable member would resort to secure the publicity and the popularity needed under the STV to get himself re-elected he would be contributing to the personalization and the trivialization of politics of which the eighties saw the deplorable example set in high places .
21 He said he would be talking to the existing team management duo of Doug Livermore and Ray Clemence , as well as the rest of the players as soon as they get back from vacation .
22 Now , if the moon was just part of the earth the moon 's gravity would be adding to the earth and then there would be generally more gravity all round .
23 So I asked him if the task force would be going to the Gulf ; how many people were involved ; and what experience they had .
24 She only gave in when she learned that the vicar 's niece would be going to the dance and that the Air Force would be providing transport .
25 Hostilities in Europe ended on May 8 , and soon after the Squadron was informed that it would be going to the Far East as part of the ‘ Tiger Force ’ , and on June 16 Sugar went with the rest of the unit to Metheringham to prepare for the move .
26 He knew that it would be going to the Ministry of Defence , but the paperwork submitted to the Department of Trade and Industry would state that the purchaser was the Ministry of Agriculture ; Department of Trade and Industry rules said that manufactured goods could be exported to Iraq only if they had no military usage .
27 It was also announced that volunteers from the US Peace Corps would be going to the Baltic states .
28 And if Jesus was around today he would be going to the places that you and I would think twice about going to , not because he wanted to have a good time , but because he wanted to relate to the people who were there .
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