Example sentences of "would be [vb pp] on the " in BNC.

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1 If I stood on a street corner somewhere , someone could slip me a small packet in exchange for a fiver and in a few hours I 'd be slumped on the floor of a public toilet : a Drug Statistic .
2 The Earl announced that unless the weather deteriorated again , the Tournament would be resumed on the Friday morning and all of the participants spent Thursday drying out and preparing their costumes .
3 It does not mean that an expert 's decision would be disallowed on the ground of conflict of interest : actual partiality would have to be shown .
4 The likelihood loomed that there would be a major public inquiry , that a Dangerous Structures Notice would be served on the spire , that the spire would then be truncated and the church mutilated , and that rain would start pouring through the roof , resulting in a massive outbreak of dry rot .
5 This notice would be served on the person who is deemed to be contravening the provision and this could include any person on whom responsibilities are placed , whether he is an employer , an employed person , or a supplier of equipment or materials .
6 The negotiation and offer would be limited on the one hand by the school 's ability/willingness to use different initiatives and on the other by the head of service 's management of his or her total team resource and his or her balance of support to all the schools in the team 's catchment area .
7 Monitoring would be based on the frequency of access to files , and the archiving policies of different types of information items .
8 Such a fund would be based on the premise that research into in vitro fertilisation benefits not just the parents but science and society as a whole .
9 Most English politicians , on the other hand , seemed confident that Elizabeth would attempt to introduce a Protestant form of worship , although they were unsure whether it would be based on the first or second Edwardian Prayer Book .
10 He had a clear vision of the kind of Korea he wished to see created , which would be based on the repudiation of Japan and vehement antagonism to communism .
11 Like the rates the tax would be based on the value of the property .
12 Such support would be based on the following principles : adjustment should be economically viable as well as socially and politically bearable ; it should conform with long-term development objectives ; it should be based on a joint assessment by the EC and the country concerned ; and it should be undertaken in close co-operation with the international financial institutions ( primarily the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) and the World Bank ) .
13 It said that the acquisition of conventional weapons would be based on the doctrine of " minimum deterrence " , defined as the capability which the states in the region " legitimately need to deter and defend against military aggression " .
14 The territory of each unit would be based on the " national absolute or relative majority " in each municipality .
15 It was agreed that where possible a system of barter would operate , with for example Estonia bartering electricity for Latvian gas ; where this was not possible accounting would be based on the deutschmark .
16 It was the start of a brewing business that , some 200 years later , would be one of the largest and most profitable in the world , a business which would be based on the dark , bitter stout that bore his name — Guinness .
17 It would be based on the carbon content of fuels and would have the biggest effect on the coal industry .
18 This would be based on the argument that , due to the large number of premises , we will recover our costs , albeit not so quickly .
19 A cut-and-cover tunnel involves cutting , so considerable damage would be inflicted on the wood if that alternative were chosen .
20 Social status would be achieved on the basis of merit in a society where all members have an equal opportunity to realize their talents .
21 However erm if if you as a panel are one minded to go for the new settlement option and two , er minded to make a ren recommendation about particular geographical locations or sectors , erm I for one would be very concerned that this would be done on the basis of of insufficient technical erm information .
22 This would be done on the basis of the facts , in particular the period of time the marriage had lasted and the extent to which the wife had foregone the opportunity to earn pension rights while bringing up the children .
23 As a result , further work would be done on the issue before legislation was introduced .
24 We would never have produced such alternatives because experience has shown that enormous pressure would be placed on the auditor to move something in or out of normalised earnings . ’
25 No restriction would be placed on the amount in lei being taken out of the country for visits to other COMECON countries .
26 All in all , it was still impossible to predict that , within six years of the 1911 national transport stoppage , Wilson 's vision of a joint union-Shipping Federation board would be imposed on the industry and that within nine years it would have been accepted voluntarily by the Federation as the normal and accepted method of conducting business with Wilson and his colleagues .
27 Arthur would be gone on the stroke of nine , and Ann too , if it was possible .
28 It is envisaged that the majority of applications would be decided on the application form alone .
29 It would be transmitted on the Astra satellite used by BSkyB .
30 If legislation were introduced early in the next session of parliament ( beginning in November 1991 ) , the first of the new authorities could be in place by April 1994 , and local authorities would be consulted on the basis that the new tax could be in place in 1993-94 .
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