Example sentences of "would be [adv] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'd be best suited to that job , ’ said Lefevre promptly .
2 Others were convinced that they 'd be well suited to life in combat uniform .
3 I 'd be hard pushed to single out any particular track for special praise .
4 I 'd say you 'd be hard put to it to pay your expensive dues on that flat you live in . ’
5 You could n't call Tom Russell 's sister pretty , Belinda decided , but at the same time she knew that most men would be instantly attracted to Mrs Hamilton and would call her beautiful .
6 Only a Tzarina can wield it and if any man were even to touch the blade he would be instantly frozen to death .
7 No patients would be identified and the information would be confidentially passed to the British Medical Association and then on to the Home Office .
8 But the Prime Minister has declared that that would be unacceptably damaging to us .
9 Initially then , the Bank of England would still be responsible for carrying out UK monetary policy , but would be slowly overtaken to some extent by the EMF 's control of ECU interest rates and control of the supply of ECUs .
10 Since 1960 restoration techniques have progressed by leaps and bounds and light weight backing materials are now available , of which the honey-comb type would be particularly suited to the Ovetari Chapel frescoes .
11 Mr Hunt said it was hoped that Allitt would be either transferred to another hospital or returned to Rampton .
12 If the Saatchi Collection were to be dispersed , it is true to say that a whole era of international art would be effectively lost to the nation .
13 We sought to test the proposition that , as a result of union hostility to temporary workers , the likelihood of their use would be inversely related to the strength of unions in the establishment .
14 Meanwhile , reflecting upon the record of the Labour government of 1945–51 and on the policies which its successor should pursue , he argued for a coherent socialist policy which would be freshly committed to ideals and be capable of realization .
15 Demonstratives and the definite article are terms whose mobilisation and use would be strongly linked to this kind of deixis .
16 Any decision on whether to change the criteria so that smaller mergers would be automatically referred to the Commission will be taken by a qualified majority of the Council of Ministers .
17 Such a strike would be immediately attracted to the operation of the car battery .
18 Notification would be immediately passed to the UN Security Council and to the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe ( CSCE ) .
19 I do n't think the SNP is dishonest either in brushing aside the doubts raised as to whether Scotland would be immediately admitted to the European Community : it really believes there would be no difficulty .
20 The main and the dog who first found the animal would get its head and neck ; the remainder would be equally distributed to all participants , including dogs .
21 As the film progressed , however , and as the male star tamed , captured , and finally possessed his female counterpart , the place of spectacle would be increasingly subordinated to that of narrative .
22 However , Danish Foreign Minister and co-chairman of the meeting Uffe Ellemann-Jensen emphasized that the Council would be closely linked to existing European organizations .
23 Sixthly , a new settlement to the northeast of York on the A sixty fi e A sixty four would be well located to existing employment , retail and leisure development that 's taken place there .
24 Smaller companies would be well advised to be more flexible if they want to attract pension-fund investment .
25 Readers claiming their complimentary meal would be well advised to tikka close look at the kitchens .
26 I was delighted to see that th on the if you are now considering buying extra funds to see an encouragement residential home places There is however an important issue where you get shall we say a quality development in a rural area , and I mean a quality development , which would be probably has to be above the rates quoted here where talk a discussion with the owners because they may not be available to local people and that does concern me a bit in rural areas .
27 He argued that he , as President , would be best placed to " complete the task " of establishing a market economy and a democratic political system in Poland .
28 the local community — to decide within the broad financial constraints laid down by the local authority and in accordance with more general policies , what pattern of schooling would be best suited to the needs of the local community .
29 Certain of these units will be regarded as core units , requiring to be completed as part of the course , other units being options , the student being able to select those units which would be best suited to his/her own particular needs .
30 The Type II model may lead to inequity between health care groups since large amounts of a health authority 's budget would be compulsorily diverted to those areas where patients are more mobile and where providers find it most profitable to supply services , i.e. mainly elective surgery .
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