Example sentences of "would not [verb] [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 Black Wolf he was called , and there was nothing he would not do to make the Russian Empire the greatest the world had ever known .
2 We would not want to see the scheme a held up or at least , the timetable that we could set down .
3 She hardly thought — since it was plain that Naylor would not want to harm the close bond that existed within the family — that he would bluntly tell Travis to leave her alone .
4 And I for one would not want to question the validity of people like these — and the many others I have n't mentioned — who have the guts and determination to become young masters of their instruments .
5 North Merseyside was dismissed immediately as existing staff would be unlikely to wish to relocate to the area and it was felt such a location would not serve to enhance the company 's recruitment image .
6 Even this further devaluation failed to restore confidence as the US treasury secretary announced that the United States would not intervene to support the dollar and intended to remove all controls on capital exports .
7 The Minister of Foreign Affairs , Roelof " Pik " Botha , stated that South Africa would not intervene to crush the coup , indicating a change in government policy since February 1988 , when South Africa had sent troops to Bophuthatswana to save the government of President Lucas Mangope from being overthrown [ see p. 36548 ] .
8 Concern was also expressed in some quarters when it became known that Christopher Ball was to be appointed Chairman of the Board , on the grounds that as head of an Oxford College he would not appear to have the intimate knowledge of the further education system that such a post requires .
9 At the end of his judgment he said , at p. 356 , that mandamus would not lie to direct the benchers of Gray 's Inn to compel them to call the applicant , who was a student member of the Inn , to the degree of a barrister-at-law and added that , if there was a ground for mandamus , the party must take the ancient course of applying to the 12 judges .
10 I would just say I would not like to see the reserves fall much below £1.5m .
11 We would not like to give the impression that Italy is all holiday resorts and art cities alone .
12 ‘ I would not like to have the task of telling her that she would never make a crime reporter ! ’
13 She hoped the clock would break down so that she would not have to see the bird again ; she did not like it .
14 Fortunately for Hammersmith and its citizens , legal advisers for all parties concerned have been unequivocal , all suggesting a defeat for the council , which would mean Hammersmith would not have to pay the losses on the transactions .
15 Investors there would nevertheless be permitted to write off against tax 50 per cent of costs entailed in a one-year period , while employees there would have their tax allowances increased , and companies would not have to pay the same local property and capital taxes as in western Germany .
16 Such a forecast would not attempt to predict the moment-to-moment changes that have led to the steady state .
17 These various factors combined to ensure that the local elite ( even if they were capable of considering it ) would not attempt to kill the goose ‘ that laid the golden eggs ’ .
18 It was understood following the verdict that Said would not attempt to extract the damages from Baki .
19 He would not attempt to vindicate the incorrect manner in which he had acted and sincerely lamented .
20 They know better than anyone that all the badmouthing of men they could manage would not begin to balance the inequality they experience when it comes to the job market — fewer opportunities , low wages , nonexistent child-care facilities and a hopelessly uneven battle to survive if , for example , the father of their children jumps ship and fails to pay any maintenance .
21 Since you are not altering the brain in any other way , the way the brain is organized would not seem to affect the interpretation of stimulation studies .
22 None of these animals have the sort of intelligence that would enable them to function as successful human beings ( ignoring the physical differences ) , but then we would not seem to have the kind of intelligence that would enable us to operate successfully in their environments .
23 Our balloon probe is not suitable for this , but anal basal pressure would not seem to influence the outcome of patients receiving biofeedback treatment .
24 I have deliberately kept consideration of the death or prolonged absence(s) of a parent apart from that of parental removal by separation or divorce , since one would not wish to confound the two in their consideration .
25 I have no doubt that the hon. Gentleman supports the liberalisation of trade under GATT and that he would not wish to defy the GATT rules .
26 But as he was profoundly unconvincing , and as another place is at present still considering the English position , I would not wish to force the point on the House .
27 Now one would not wish to deny the value of extrapolation , of drawing general conclusions from the evidence of particular instances .
28 ‘ You have business here which is out of my writ and competence , and I would not wish to complicate the affair for you .
29 The Divisional Court decision has been much criticised ; I agree with the strictures of Spencer Bower , Actionable Defamation ( fully set out in the judgment of Balcombe L.J. ) and would not wish to follow the reasoning of the Divisional Court which , in any event , is not binding upon us .
30 It is surprising that he attended Hall 's conclave as he had a well-known dislike of competitions , but it is less surprising that he was selected to be a judge in view of his connections with two of the other judges and the probability that he would not wish to enter the competition himself .
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