Example sentences of "would not [verb] [verb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Personally , I 'd not have made any heavyweight preparations but avoided giving any clues until the last moment .
2 It was nearly a year since Dunkirk , and if they 'd been going to come , surely they 'd not have waited this long .
3 If it were closed down suppose 750 of the men would not expect to find another job and would have to live off social security payments .
4 I can only assume that , as the matter was extensively discussed earlier , they thought that the issue was dead and that there was no point in discussing it , because the arguments had been so effectively canvassed and dismissed that the Government would not contemplate introducing such an offence .
5 I would not anticipate taking more than half an hour to complete the filming during which time we would make every endeavour not to restrict access to your shop by other customers .
6 But it would not do to show any emotion before the giants , who had all gathered to see Floy and Snodgrass off , or before Balor , who was waiting in high good humour at the unexpected excitement of a journey to the Fire Court .
7 Who , after all , would not prefer to hear both sides of the argument rather than one ?
8 Obviously one would not want to see that scene again . ’
9 I am sure that the more sensible people in racing and in the Jockey Club would not want to see that . ’
10 I would not want to pre-empt any joyous , or even hopeful , news that he might tell us tonight .
11 We would not want to describe this possible completion point ( or any other which occurs in this extract ) as a paratone-boundary .
12 Many people would not want to call these states democratic either .
13 No , she would not want to change that … only to have it go on , with Tyler wanting her as much as she wanted him .
14 And in fact , I would not want to suggest that feminist resistance — from guerilla raids on men who call us darling to all-out war waged on institutional bastions like the dictionary — is valueless .
15 As for harmonic connections , I would not want to produce these too consciously .
16 At first sight Burkina Faso — the ‘ Land of the Incorruptible ’ — would not appear to have enough wealth to make corruption possible .
17 Warning and volenti would not appear to have any chance of success in this case .
18 Similarly the creation of a charge for a fixed amount in favour of the husband , and the repayment of that charge , would not appear to involve any liability for capital gains tax ( Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act 1992 , s251 provides that there is no charge to capital gains tax on repayment of a debt to a creditor ) or inheritance tax .
19 The Morgan test would not appear to require much more than a knowledge of the basic facts of life .
20 We are thinking of people between the ages of about 35 and about 60 years ; but one would not care to argue these limits to within five years or so .
21 The individual would not choose to consume any more of the good than that quantity that is received ‘ free of charge ’ from the government .
22 Walkers who would not dare stroll half a mile in inner cities thought nothing of walking 190 miles across the fells , dales and moors from St Bee 's in Cumbria to Robin Hood 's Bay in North Yorkshire .
23 Even England would not dare claim that .
24 I know that he would not like to do any injustice to the report , but if he were to read the second paragraph , which contains its judgment on the Bill , he might come to a different conclusion .
25 They said local people would not like to see such a waste of money ( even though it would not come from local diocesan funds , whereas the cost of demolition would ) .
26 ‘ There are many who would not like to see this thing progress . ’
27 Liberal Democrat Coun Ken Walker said : ‘ While I would not like to jeopardise any move that would benefit the town , I am rather wary .
28 Liberal Democrat councillor Ken Walker said : ‘ While I would not like to jeopardise any move that would benefit the town I am rather wary .
29 I , for one , would not like to guarantee that . ’
30 But even if Patrick Milligan had known the size of ‘ Buck ’ O'Hara 's munificence , he would not have raised any objections .
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